Holger Rathgeber (5 kníh)
John Kotter, Holger Rathgeber Our Iceberg is Melting EN
This charming story about a penguin colony in Antarctica illustrates key truths about how deal with the issue of change: handle the challenge well and you can prosper greatly; handle it poorly and you put yourself at risk. The penguins are living happily on their iceberg as they have done for many years. Then one curious penguin discovers a potentially devastating problem threatening their home - and pretty much no…
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John Kotter, Holger Rathgeber Our Iceberg Is Melting EN
Our Iceberg Is Melting is a simple fable about doing well in an ever-changing world. Based on the award-winning work of Harvard’s John Kotter, it is a story that has been used to help thousands of people and organizations. The fable is about a penguin colony in Antarctica. A group of beautiful emperor penguins live as they have for many years. Then one curious bird discovers a potentially devastating problem…
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John Kotter, Holger Rathgeber Our Iceberg is Melting EN
This is the huge international bestseller: a simple fable with profound lessons for working and living in an ever changing world. This charming story about a penguin colony in Antarctica illustrates key truths about how deal with the issue of change: handle the challenge well and you can prosper greatly; handle it poorly and you put yourself at risk. The penguins are living happily on their iceberg as they have done…
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John Kotter, Holger Rathgeber Tak to u nás nerobíme
Desať rokov po úspešnej knihe Náš ľadovec sa roztápa, v ktorej John Kotter a Holger Rathgeber na príbehu tučniakov vysvetlili, ako viesť ľudí v časoch turbulentných zmien, prichádzajú autori s novým a rovnako zaujímavým príbehom o tom, ako zmeniť výzvy na príležitosti. Tentoraz je dejiskom ich bájky kolónia surikát, žijúca v nehostinných podmienkach Kalaharskej púšte. Ide o spoločenstvo s množstvom pravidiel a…
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John Kotter, Holger Rathgeber That's Not How We Do it Here EN
A new business parable from John Kotter - the leading authority on leadership and change, and bestselling author of Our Iceberg is Melting That's Not How We Do It Here is the story of a clan of meerkats who live in the Kalahari. Well organised and efficient, the colony enjoys many years of successful growth, until it suddenly comes under threat from a new form of predator and is forced to rethink its organizational…