Hilary Mantel (18 kníh)
Hilary Mantel A Place of Greater Safety
An extraordinary work of historical imagination - this is Hilary Mantel's epic novel of the French Revolution. One of the ten books - novels, memoirs and one very unusual biography - that make up the 4th Estate Matchbook Classics' series, a stunningly red
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Hilary Mantel Bring Up the Bodies EN
The Man Booker-winning sequel to the Man Booker-winning Wolf Hall. 'My boy Thomas, give him a dirty look and he'll gouge your eye out. Trip him, and he'll cut off your leg,' says Walter Cromwell in the year 1500. 'But if you don't cut across him he's a very gentleman. And he'll stand anyone a drink.' By 1535 Thomas Cromwell, the blacksmith's son, is far from his humble origins. Chief Minister to Henry VIII, his…
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Hilary Mantel Bring up the Bodies EN
The sequel to the Man Booker-winning Wolf Hall. ‘My boy Thomas, give him a dirty look and he’ll gouge your eye out. Trip him, and he’ll cut off your leg,’ says Walter Cromwell in the year 1500. ‘But if you don’t cut across him he’s a very gentleman. And he’ll stand anyone a drink.’ By 1535 Thomas Cromwell, the blacksmith’s son, is far from his humble origins. Chief Minister to Henry VIII, his fortunes have risen…
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Hilary Mantel Bring Up the Bodies EN
Winner of the Man Booker Prize 2012 With this historic win for BRING UP THE BODIES, Hilary Mantel becomes the first British author and the first woman to be awarded two Man Booker Prizes, as well as being the first to win with two consecutive novels. Continuing what began in the Man Booker Prize-winning WOLF HALL, we return to the court of Henry VIII, to witness the irresistible rise of Thomas Cromwell as he…
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Hilary Mantel Bring Up the Bodies EN
With this historic win for BRING UP THE BODIES, Hilary Mantel becomes the first British author and the first woman to be awarded two Man Booker Prizes, as well as being the first to win with two consecutive novels. Continuing what began in the Man Booker Prize-winning WOLF HALL, we return to the court of Henry VIII, to witness the irresistible rise of Thomas Cromwell as he contrives the destruction of Anne Boleyn. …
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Hilary Mantel Bring Up the Bodies
The second book in Hilary Mantel's award-winning Wolf Hall trilogy, with a stunning new cover design to celebrate the publication of the much anticipated The Mirror and the Light...
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Hilary Mantel Předveďte mrtvé CZ
V roce 1535 nechal kovářův syn Thomas Cromwell svoje skromné počátky dávno za sebou. Je prvním ministrem krále Jindřicha VIII., jeho vliv a majetek narůstaly s tím, jak stoupala hvězda Anny Boleynové, Jindřichovy druhé manželky. Kvůli ní se Jindřich rozešel s Římem a založil vlastní církev; země se však díky tomu dostala do nebezpečné izolace a Anna nedokázala splnit, co slibovala: porodit syna, který by byl…
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Hilary Mantel The Assassination of Margaret Thatcher EN
A brilliant - and rather transgressive - collection of short stories from the double Man Booker Prize-winning author of Wolf Hall and Bring Up the Bodies. Including a new story The School of English. Hilary Mantel is one of Britain's most accomplished and acclaimed writers. In these ten bracingly subversive tales, all her gifts of characterisation and observation are fully engaged, summoning forth the horrors so…
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Hilary Mantel The Assassination of Margaret Thatcher EN
Hilary Mantel is one of Britain’s most accomplished and acclaimed writers. In these ten bracingly subversive tales, all her gifts of characterisation and observation are fully engaged, summoning forth the horrors so often concealed behind everyday façades. Childhood cruelty is played out behind the bushes in ‘Comma’; nurses clash in ‘Harley Street’ over something more than professional differences; and in the title…
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Hilary Mantel The Mirror and the Light
England, May 1536. Anne Boleyn is dead, decapitated in the space of a heartbeat by a hired French executioner. As her remains are bundled into oblivion, Thomas Cromwell breakfasts with the victors...
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Hilary Mantel Vacant Possession
Muriel Axon is about to re-enter the lives of Colin Sidney, hapless husband, father and schoolmaster, and Isabel Field, failed social worker and practising neurotic. It is ten years since her last tangle with them, but for Muriel this is not time...
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Hilary Mantel Wolf Hall CZ
Hrdinou košatého románu, oceněného slavnou Booker Prize, je Thomas Cromwell, syn chudého kováře, který se v Anglii 16. století dostane až na vrchol politické moci. Autorka propojuje portrét individua a líčení bouřlivých historických událostí. Cromwell se obratně propracovává na vyšší a vyšší pozice, stane se pravou rukou krále Jindřicha VIII. Právě v době, kdy panovník usiluje o zrušení svého manželství s Annou…
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Hilary Mantel Wolf Hall EN
A magisterial new novel that takes us behind the scenes during one of the most formative periods in English history: the reign of Henry VIII. Wolf Hall is told mainly through the eyes of Thomas Cromwell, a self-made man who rose from a blacksmith's son in Putney to be the most powerful man in England after the king. The cast also includes Cardinal Wolsey, Thomas More, Anne Boleyn and Henry's other wives - and, of…
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Hilary Mantel Wolf Hall EN
A magisterial new novel that takes us behind the scenes during one of the most formative periods in English history: the reign of Henry VIII. Wolf Hall is told mainly through the eyes of Thomas Cromwell, a self-made man who rose from a blacksmith's son in Putney to be the most powerful man in England after the king. The cast also includes Cardinal Wolsey, Thomas More, Anne Boleyn and Henry's other wives - and, of…
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Hilary Mantel Wolf Hall
The first book in Hilary Mantel’s award-winning Wolf Hall trilogy, with a new cover design to celebrate the publication of the much anticipated The Mirror and the Light. From one of our finest living writers, Wolf Hall is that very rare thing...
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Hilary Mantel Za temnotou CZ
Román autorky bestselleru Wolf Hall oceněného Booker Prize za rok 2009. Hrdinkou černé grotesky o styku se záhrobím, je Alison Hartová, která se svou asistentkou Colette cestuje po Anglii a vystupuje jako médium. Překvapeným divákům svých vystoupení sděluje konejšivé vzkazy od jejich drahých zesnulých. Říká jim ale pravdu? Pod zevnějškem usměvavé baculaté ženy se skrývá zoufalá osoba, kterou děsí hrůzy, jež tají…
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Hilary Mantel Zavraždění Margaret Thatcherové CZ
Tento povídkový soubor uznávané a oceňované autorky vyvolal v Británii skandál – jedná se sice o sbírku textů vesměs publikovaných časopisecky, ale titulní povídka vyšla v tomto souboru poprvé. Mantelová se za znevážení britské ikony dočkala nevybíravých útoků, jenomže kritici jako by nebrali na vědomí, že v povídce se sice objevuje Margaret Thatcherová a míří se na ni puškou, ale že Mantelové jde o něco jiného –…