Hélène Druvert (3 knihy)
Hélène Druvert Mary Poppins Up, Up and Away EN
Mary Poppins is perhaps the most beloved nanny of the page and screen, and this charming storybook with ornate, laser-cut pages and delicate illustrations, pays homage to her preferred mode of transport. Based on the novels by Pamela L. Travers, Mary Poppins Up, Up and Away is an enchanting journey over the rooftops of London, under the sea, and everywhere in between. A fresh approach to a children s classic, it is…
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Hélène Druvert Na výletě s Mary Poppins
Je krásné letní ráno a v třešňové aleji panuje klid. Michal s Janou běží do parku vyzkoušet nového papírového draka. Ale co se to na obloze rýsuje za stín? Nebude to Mary Poppins, která za dětmi přiletěla na...
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Hélène Druvert Paris Up, Up and Away EN
The Eiffel Tower is bored ... so it decides to cut loose and fly over Paris! Sailing through the night air, it glides over the Seine; a short hop away, it’s Opera. It weaves through the crowd and department stores, falls asleep in the sun, and wakes up to the jangling bells of Notre Dame. This beautifully crafted book, full of meticulous lasercuts, is a wonderfully imaginative introduction to Paris for young…