Ha-Joon Chang (4 knihy)
Ha-Joon Chang 23 Things They don't Tell You About Capitalism EN
In 23 Things They Don't Tell You About Capitalism one of today's most iconoclastic thinkers destroys the biggest myths about the world we live in. There's no such thing as a 'free' market. Globalization isn't making the world richer. We don't live in a digital world - the washing machine has changed lives more than the internet. Poor countries are more entrepreneurial than rich ones. Higher paid managers don't…
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Ha-Joon Chang 23 věcí, které vám neřeknou o kapitalismu CZ
Současná západní společnost přísahá na neoliberální model ekonomiky, který za nezpochybnitelné dogma prohlašuje tzv. volný trh – ostatně i v Čechách svého času byla „neviditelná ruka trhu“ nedotknutelným božstvem. Ha-Joon Chang, jenž (snad díky svému původu) dokáže nahlédnout kapitalistickou ekonomiku západního střihu jaksi zvnějšku, vlastně vyslovuje, popisuje a zdůvodňuje jen to, co v posledních desetiletích…
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Ha-Joon Chang Bad Samaritans
It's rare that a book appears with a fresh perspective on world affairs, but renowned economist Ha-Joon Chang has some startlingly original things to say about the future of globalization. In theory, he argues, the world's wealthiest ...
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Ha-Joon Chang Economics: The User's Guide EN
What is economics? What can - and can't - it explain about the world? Why does it matter? Ha-Joon Chang teaches economics at Cambridge University, and writes a column for the Guardian. The Observer called his book 23 Things They Don't Tell You About Capitalism, which was a no.1 bestseller, 'a witty and timely debunking of some of the biggest myths surrounding the global economy.' He won the Wassily Leontief Prize…