H. Rider Haggard (4 knihy)
H. Rider Haggard King Solomon's Mines EN
Sir Henry Curtis, Captain John Good and Allan Quatermain are travelling to the mysterious, unmapped heart of Africa. Sir Henry wants to find his missing brother. Quatermain wants to find King Solomon’s secret treasure. Is Sir Henry’s brother still alive? Will they find King Solomon’s treasure? Does the treasure even exist...?
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H. Rider Haggard King Solomon's Mines EN
Three men trek to the remote African interior in search of a lost friend - and reach, at the end of a perilous journey, an unknown land cut off from the world, where terrible dangers threaten anyone who ventures near the spectacular diamond mines of King Solomon...
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H. Rider Haggard King Solomon´s Mines EN
Three men trek to the remote African interior in search of a lost friend - and reach, at the end of a perilous journey, an unknown land cut off from the world, where terrible dangers threaten anyone who ventures near the spectacular diamond mines of King Solomon..
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H. Rider Haggard Prsteň kráľovnej zo Sáby
Dramatické rozprávanie o dobrodružnej výprave do srdca Afriky, kde žije zvláštny národ, odvodzujúci svoj pôvod od kráľa Šalamúna. Vládne mu krásna kráľovná, údajane priamy potomok Šalamúna a kráľovnej zo Sáby, ktorá kedysi múdreho panovníka navštívila. Jej návšteva však nezostala bez následkov...