Gustave Flaubert (31 kníh)
Gustave Flaubert Dílo je vše CZ
Výbor z korespondence Gustave Flauberta. Obsahuje určité úryvky a myšlenky vztahující se výlučně k jeho názorům na tvorbu, postavení umění a umělce, vztah myšlenky a formy.
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Gustave Flaubert Gospoža Bovari RU
Роман Флобера Госпожа Бовари составил целую эпоху в европейской литературе. Это самое известное произведение знаменитого писателя и одна из лучших книг о любви. Обманчиво простой и удивительно точный стиль романа по сей день считается вершиной французской литературы.
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Gustave Flaubert Madame Bovary EN
Emma Rouault leaves her father to marry Charles Bovary, an insignificant local doctor, and to live among the bourgeoisie of 'Yonville'. An ardent devourer of sentimental novels, Emma fills her head with fantastic notions of gallantry and high romance, which she soon finds lacking in her dull husband. Disillusioned and frustrated she finds solace in a tempestuous love affair with the local Squire, naïvely imagining…
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Gustave Flaubert Madame Bovary EN
Married to Charles, a provincial doctor, Emma Bovary yearns for a more glamorous life. Disenchanted with her husband and seeking an escape from their dull marriage she is soon tempted into a brief romantic liaison with another man.Although short-lived, she remains desirous of passion and the finer things in life and embarks on another affair, destroying her reputation. Considered scandalous at the time, Emma Bovary…
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Gustave Flaubert Madame Bovary EN
Emma Bovary is the original desperate housewife. Beautiful but bored, she spends lavishly on clothes and on her home and embarks on two disappointing affairs in an effort to make her life everything she believes it should be. Soon heartbroken and crippled by debts, she takes drastic action, with tragic consequences for her husband and daughter. In this landmark new translation of Gustave Flaubert's masterwork, award…
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Gustave Flaubert Madame Bovary EN
Madame Bovary tells the tragic tale of a beautiful young woman who tries to escape the narrow confines of her life and marriage through a series of passionate affairs—all in hopes of finding the romantic ideal she has always longed for. But her recklessness comes back to haunt her, and the strong-willed and independent Emma finds herself in a desperate fight for existence. Flaubert's daring depiction of adultery…
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Gustave Flaubert, Monique Blondel Madame Bovary FR
« Quant à Emma, elle ne s’interrogea point pour savoir si elle l’aimait. L’amour, croyait-elle, devait arriver tout à coup, avec de grands éclats et des fulgurations…» Emma Bovary rêve la vie idéale que ses lectures d’adolescente lui ont permis d’imaginer, mais son existence se déroule dans une société insatisfaisante aux moeurs souvent trop figées. Éprise de liberté, mais déçue de son mariage, elle cède à la…
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Gustave Flaubert Madame Bovary
Classic / British English. Emma Bovary is a dreamer. She escapes from her boring life with her father by marrying Charles, a doctor, but married life does not bring her the love and excitement she expected...
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Gustave Flaubert Madame Bovary
Classic / British English. Emma Bovary is a dreamer. She escapes from her boring life with her father by marrying Charles, a doctor, but married life does not bring her the love and excitement she expected. She looks for love outside...
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Gustave Flaubert Madame Bovary
The Vintage Classics Europeans series - with covers provided by textile design firm Wallace Sewell, these are must-have editions of European masterpieces, celebrating the warp and weft of a shared literary treasury...
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Gustave Flaubert Paní Bovaryová CZ
Nový překlad jednoho z nejslavnějších románů 19. století. Emma Bovaryová je obětí středostavovských konvencí poloviny 19. století. Jako mladou romantickou dívku ji provdali za venkovského lékaře, a ona tak příliš záhy poznává ubíjející monotónnost manželského života. Snaží se před nudou uniknout malým flirtem a marnotratnými nákupy, což značně otřese rodinným rozpočtem.
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Gustave Flaubert Pani Bovaryová
Podľa odborníkov patrí tento román svojím krásnym jazykom a výbornou štylistikou medzi skvosty svetovej literatúry a rozhodne medzi najlepšie diela literatúry 19. storočia. Príbeh ženy, nešťastne vydatej za zanieteného a neohrabaného provinčného lekára, ktorá sa vzoprie obyčajnosti a nude svojho života a vydá sa na cestu za ekstázou a láskou. Jej zmyselné a sentimentálne túžby ju však vedú len k väčšiemu utrpeniu,…