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Gilles Néret (33 kníh)

  • Gilles Néret 1000 Dessous - A History of Lingerie EN

    Since the beginning of civilization, women have worn underwear. Justified as protection, or a hygienic necessity, this second skin was devised to satisfy perverse erotic instincts. A trap laid by Venus to entertain and stimulate the fantasies of both the woman who wears them and the man who discovers them. Corsets, bras and panties are not utilitarian items - they are elements in a mystic ritual linking man and…

  • Robert Descharnes, Gilles Néret Dalí CZ

     Dalí považoval sám seba za génia, ktorý môže bohato využívať svojho práva na všetky možné a nemožné výstrednosti. Svojim provokatívnym exhibicionizmom a svojimi excentrickými nápadmi na verejnosti vyvolával prudké kontroverzie... Táto veľmi živá biografia necháva slávneho surrealistu, bohom nadaného provokatéra a geniálneho vynálezcu mäkkých hodiniek a horiacich žiráf hovoriť slovom aj obrazom, navyše podáva…

  • Gilles Néret Dalí CZ

    Každé ráno, když se probouzím, napsal malíř měkkých hodinek a hořících žiraf, patří mi ta největší ze všech radostí: že jsem Salvador Dalí......Preklad: Jana Horynová

  • Gilles Néret Dalí CZ

      Salvador Dalí  (1904 - 1989) maliar, sochár, spisovateľ, dizajnér, filmový tvorca je neustále považovaný za jednu z najväčších osobností storočia, svojím vystupovaním a excentrizmom však šokoval všade, kde prišiel.  Veľmi skoro sa vo svojej tvorbe pripojil k hnutiu surrealistov, na čele s A. Bretonom a začal zapájať do umenia vtedy úplne novú disciplínu psychoanalýzu, pod vplyvom S. Freuda. Jeho obrazy sú…

  • Gilles Néret, Dalí Dalí EN

    This title deals with one of the century's greatest exhibitionists and eccentrics. Picasso called Dali an outboard motor that's always running. Dali thought himself a genius with a right to indulge in whatever lunacy popped into his head. Painter, sculptor, writer and film maker, Salvador Dali (1904 - 1989) was one of the century's greatest exhibitionists and eccentrics - and was rewarded with fierce controversy…

  • Gilles Néret Dalí EN

    Painter, sculptor, writer, film-maker, and all-round showman Salvador Dalí (1904–1989) was one of the twentieth century’s greatest exhibitionists and eccentrics. One of the first artists to apply the insights of Freudian psychoanalysis to art, he is celebrated in particular for his surrealist practice, with such conceits as the soft watches or the lobster telephone, now hallmarks of the surrealist enterprise, and of…

  • Gilles Néret De Lempicka EN

    Tamara de Lempicka (1898-1980) stood at the center of the sophisticated Paris art world of the 1920s and 30s. Her love for beautiful women, elegant automobiles, and the modern metropolis provided not only motifs for her pictures, but also influenced her artistic style. Simultaneously with her career as artist, Tamara de Lempicka pioneered a new image of life on the screen, evident in the new, self-confident woman…

  • Gilles Néret Erotica 20th Century. Volume I. EN

       Erotika v dielach výtvarných umelcov odRodina po Picassa... This is a collection of the best early 20th-century images from Erotica Universalis Volumes I and II. From Rodin to Picasso and lots of others in between (known, unknown, and anonymous)!

  • Gilles Néret Erotica 20th Century. Volume II EN

       Erotika v dielach výtvarných umelcov od Dalího po Crumba... This is a collection of the best latter 20th century images from Erotica Universalis, Volumes I and II. From Dalí to Crumb and lots of others in between (known, unknown, and anonymous)!

  • Gilles Néret Erotica Universalis EN

    From the dawn of time, ever since Adam and Eve, all artists of every age whether the Egyptian, Greek, or Roman artists of Antiquity, or more recent famous names as Rembrandt, Courbet, Degas, or Picasso have succumbed to their fantasies, obsessions, and libido, and produced erotic works that the censors have taken good care to keep from the public. For Erotica Universalis, we surface from the subterranean realms of…

  • Gilles Néret Gustav Klimt CZ

    Jeho revolta proti akademizmu strhla koncom 19. storočia vlnu odporu. Bol terčom urážok, ale aj nadšeného obdivu. Pre jedných bol šíriteľom pornografie, pre iných zase otcom novej maľby. Rakúšan Gustav Klimt bol presvedčený, že „umenie je o slobode“. Jeho maľba bola oslavou života, ale najmä ženy. On je moderným tvorcom tajomnej a dráždivej femme fatale – osudovej ženy. Stal sa ikonou viedenskej secesie. „Kto sa…

  • Gilles Néret Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec EN

    Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec (1864–1901), scion of an ancient aristocratic family, was a crippled dwarf. His family's wealth gave him financial security, and he chose to become an artist. In Paris he was drawn to the world of the red-light district around Montmartre. In the cafés, cabarets, dance halls and brothels he observed the theatre of life, viewing this world not from the moralising standpoint of the 19th…

  • Gilles Néret Klimt CZ

    Jeho revolta proti akademizmu strhla koncom 19. storočia vlnu odporu. Bol terčom urážok, ale aj nadšeného obdivu. Pre jedných bol šíriteľom pornografie, pre iných zase otcom novej maľby. Rakúšan Gustav Klimt bol presvedčený, že umenie je o slobode. Jeho maľba bola oslavou života, ale najmä ženy. On je moderným tvorcom tajomnej a dráždivej femme fatale - osudovej ženy. Stal sa ikonou viedenskej secesie. Kto sa chce…

  • Gilles Néret Klimt EN

      Gustav Klimt je umelec konca 19. storočia, ktorý vo svojom diele dokonale vystihuje vzrušujúcu a apokalyptickú víziu konca starej esteiky, ktorá sa neustále vracia do minulosti, ale len vo forme suchého, strohého napodobovania a kopírovania. Klimt sa vo svojej novej estetike avýraze dokonale vysmieva viedenským mešťanom, útočí na ich prudérnosť a prehnité konvencie. Organická krása vyrastajúca z prírodných foriem…

  • Gilles Néret Klimt EN

    The unfading popularity of Gustav Klimt (1862–1918) attests not only to the particular appeal of his luxuriant painting but also to the universal themes with which he worked: love, feminine beauty, aging, and death. The son of a goldsmith, Klimt created surfaces of ornate and jewel-like luminosity which show influence of both Egyptian and Japanese art. Through paintings, murals, and friezes, his work is defined by…

  • Gilles Néret Lempicka EN

       Tamara de Lempicka (1898-1980)  študovala v centre sofistikovaného parížskeho umeleckého sveta 20. a 30. rokov 20. storočia. Jej láska ku kráse ženy, elegancii automobilov a modernosti veľkomesta neovplyvňujú len motívy jej obrazov, ale celý umelecký štýl. Zároveň s kariérou umelkyne je Tamara de Lempicka považovaná za pionierku novej podoby života na plátne, úplne nového subjektívne ženského, v ktorom sa…

  • Gilles Néret Malevich EN

    After flirtations with Realism, Impressionism, and Symbolism, Kiev-born Kazimir Malevich (1878-1935) found his metier in dissolving literal, representational figures and landscapes into pure, emotionally-charged abstraction. In 1915, he created what is widely lauded as the first and ultimate abstract artwork: Black Square (1915), a black rectangle on a white background, hailed as the zero point of painting, a…

  • Gilles Néret Manet EN

       Monografia jedného z hlavných predstaviteľov impresionizmu... Violently criticized during his lifetime for his supposedly provocative paintings, French painter Edouard Manet (1832-1883) is now considered a master of inestimable importance in the history of painting. His Déjeuner sur l’herbe remains one of the most memorable images of the 19th century.

  • Gilles Néret Matisse EN

    The extraordinary significance of the painter and sculptor Henri Matisse in the history of modern art, but also his influence, was no less decisive than that of his main rival, Pablo Picasso. In fact, Matisse’s stylistic liberation actually goes one step further in the pursuit of his own personal goal — the perfect synthesis of line and color — by which he sought revolutionary approaches to the great tradition of…

  • Gilles Ed Neret, Gilles Néret Matisse Cut-Outs EN

    Drawing with scissors: The revolutionary late-period work by Matisse Towards the end of his monumental career as a painter, sculptor, and lithographer, an elderly, sickly Matisse was unable to stand and use a paintbrush for a longer period of time. In this late phase of his life he was almost 80 years of age he developed the technique of carving into color, creating bright, bold paper cut-outs. Though dismissed by…

  • Gilles Néret Matisse Cut-Outs EN

    A perfect synthesis of color and line: The trailblazing paper cut-outs of Henri Matisse When Henri Matisse (1869, 1954) was forced to give up painting in the mid-1940s due to a serious illness, he began to work with painted paper and a pair of scissors, carving into color to create bright, bold patterns and forms. Though many critics at the time were unstinting in their cruel remarks about the supposed foolishness…

  • Gilles Néret Michelangelo CZ

    Počas renesancie, veľkí homosexuáli od Leonarda a Boticelliho k Michelangelovi a Raphaelovi, pretvárali dejiny umenia podľa svojej chuti. V ich umení dvojznačnosť, dvojzmyselnosť začína už pri ich narodení. Rodia sa napoly ako muži a napoly ako ženy, ženské prsia získava busta mládenca a sklopený pohľad mladíkových očí sa na nás díva cez postavu madony. Michelangelo bol veľmi všestranným umelcom, bol maliarom,…

  • Gilles Néret Michelangelo EN

    Italian-born Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni (1475–1564) was a tormented, prodigiously talented, and God-fearing Renaissance man. His manifold achievements in painting, sculpture, architecture, poetry, and engineering combined body, spirit, and God into visionary masterpieces that changed art history forever. Famed biographer Giorgio Vasari considered him the pinnacle of Renaissance achievement. His peers…

  • Gilles Néret Michelangelo EN

    Počas renesancie, veľkí homosexuáli od Leonarda a Boticelliho k Michelangelovi a Raphaelovi, pretvárali dejiny umenia podľa svojej chuti. V ich umení dvojznačnosť, dvojzmyselnosť začína už pri ich narodení. Rodia sa napoly ako muži a napoly ako ženy, ženské prsia získava busta mládenca a sklopený pohľad mladíkových očí sa na nás díva cez postavu madony. Michelangelo bol veľmi všestranným umelcom, bol maliarom,…
