Frederik Obermaier (3 knihy)
Bastian Obermayer, Frederik Obermaier Panama Papers
Nenápadný dotaz internetového anonyma ihned vzbudil pozornost Bastiana Obermayera a Frederika Obermaiera, investigativních novinářů z německého deníku Süddeutsche Zeitung. Najednou se jim dostala do rukou data o stovkách osob...
Detail -
Bastian Obermayer, Frederik Obermaier The Panama Papers EN
11.5 million documents sent through encrypted channels. The secret records of 214,000 offshore companies. The largest data leak in history. In early 2015, an anonymous whistle-blower led investigative journalists Bastian Obermayer and Frederik Obermaier into the shadow economy where the super-rich hide billions of dollars in complex financial networks. Thus began the ground-breaking investigation that saw an…