Frank Coles (3 knihy)
Frank Coles How to Drive a Tank EN
Call yourself a man? You do? Do you even know what a real man is? Are you a six foot one Adonis who wears all the latest fashions, moisturises regularly, visits spas for pleasure and never does anything wrong? Or do you drink twenty pints every Friday night, guzzle a kebab on the way home and then fart yourself to sleep? It's time to stop being the man everyone expects you to be and be the one you want to be. And…
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Frank Coles How to Drive a Tank... EN
Call yourself a man? You do? Do you even know what a real man is? Are you a six-foot-one Adonis who wears all the latest fashions, moisturises regularly, visits spas for pleasure and never does anything wrong? Or do you drink twenty pints every Friday night, guzzle a kebab on the way home and then fart yourself to sleep? It's time to stop being the man everyone expects you to be and be the one you want to be. Learn…
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Frank Coles Jak řídit tank CZ
Zábavná i poučná příručka nabízí návody na nejrůznější dovednosti nezbytné pro moderní gentlemany. Dnes nestačí být urostlý elegán oblečený vždy podle poslední módy nebo drsňák, který do sebe v pátek večer nalije dvacet piv. Autor si klade za cíl vzkřísit skutečnou mužnost a ideál moderního gentlemana – tedy muže, jenž umí víc než jenom zdědit hromadu peněz. Moderní gentleman dokáže například nastartovat auto bez…