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Françoise Tétart-Vittu (4 knihy)

  • Françoise Tétart-Vittu Auguste Racinet, The Costume History EN

    Originally published in France between 1876 and 1888, Auguste Racinet's Le Costume historique was the most wide-ranging and intelligent study of clothing ever published. Covering the world history of costume, dress, and style from antiquity through the end of the 19th century, the great work—consolidated in 1888 into 6 volumes containing nearly 500 plates—remains, to this day, completely unique in its scope and…

  • Françoise Tétart-Vittu The Complete Costume History EN

    Jedinečné dielo Augusta Racineta pôvodne vyšlo vo Francúzsku v rokoch 1876 až 1888. Do dnešných dní zostalo neprekonané. prekvapuje nás svojím rozsahom, prepracovanými kresbami a zmyslom pre detail. Je kronikou odievania a štýlov od staroveku až po 19. storočie. V prvej časti, venovanej staroveku, nájdete množstvo farebných ilustrácií, dokumentujúcich spôsob odievania v Egypte, Perzii, Ríme, Grécku a iných…

  • Auguste Racinet, Françoise Tétart-Vittu The Complete Costume History

    Originally published in France between 1876 and 1888, Auguste Racinet's Le Costume historique was in its day the most wide-ranging and incisive study of clothing ever attempted. Covering the world history of costume, dress, ...

  • Auguste Racinet, Françoise Tétart-Vittu The Costume History EN

    Originally published in France between 1876 and 1888, Auguste Racinet’s Le Costume historique was the most wide-ranging and incisive study of clothing ever attempted. Covering the world history of costume, dress, and style from antiquity through to the end of the 19th century, the six volume work remains completely unique in its scope and detail. TASCHEN’s complete reprint presents Racinet’s exquisitely precise and…
