Francesca Simon (99 kníh)
Francesca Simon Horrid Henry's Christmas Lunch EN
Early Readers are stepping stones from picture books to reading books. A blue Early Reader is perfect for sharing and reading together. A red Early Reader is the next step on your reading journey. Horrid Henry would much rather have pizza and chips for his Christmas lunch, and this year, he might just get his way...This is the 100th book in the phenomenally popular Early Reader format, published during Henry's 20th…
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Francesca Simon Horrid Henry's Holiday EN
Early Readers are stepping stones from picture books to reading books. A blue Early Reader is perfect for sharing and reading together. A red Early Reader is the next step on your reading journey. Horrid Henry is up to high jinks, causing chaos on his family holiday. Read by Miranda Richardson
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Francesca Simon Horrid Henry's Krazy Ketchup EN
The 23rd Horrid Henry storybook containing four brand new stories - including Horrid Henry's Ketchup, Horrid Henry's Chicken, The Revenge of the Bogey Babysitter and Horrid Henry Tells It Like It Is. Discover the one thing Horrid Henry is scared of, watch out for the return of Rabid Rebecca, find out what happens when Henry makes a film about his family and lots more in the more hilarious and horrid storybook yet.…
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Francesca Simon Horrid Henry's Nits EN
Horrid Henry has got nits - again! But as an impending visit from Nitty Nora the Nit Nurse looms, Henry's determined he won't be the only one...
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Francesca Simon Horrid Henry's Rainy Day EN
Early Readers are stepping stones from picture books to reading books. A blue Early Reader is perfect for sharing and reading together. A red Early Reader is the next step on your reading journey. Horrid Henry is bored and fed up on a rainy day, until he starts to write his will. The only trouble is it is a lot more fun getting stuff from Mum and Dad than giving away his own treasures... Read by Miranda Richardson.
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Francesca Simon Horrid Henry's Royal Riot EN
Early Readers are stepping stones from picture books to reading books. A blue Early Reader is perfect for sharing and reading together. A red Early Reader is the next step on your child's reading journey.
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Francesca Simon Horrid Henry's Sleepover EN
Early Readers are stepping stones from picture books to reading books. A blue Early Reader is perfect for sharing and reading together. A red Early Reader is the next step on your reading journey. Horrid Henry is in for a surprise when he tries to cause havoc on a sleepover - in this hilarious story perfect for Early Readers.
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Francesca Simon Horrid Henry's Sports Day EN
Early Readers are stepping stones from picture books to reading books. A blue Early Reader is perfect for sharing and reading together. A red Early Reader is the next step on your reading journey. Horrid Henry hates sports day. And he hates the cross-country run more than any other event. But just as he is heaving his weary bones to the starting line, he has a wonderful, spectacular idea of how to win the race. Read…
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Francesca Simon Horrid Henry's Thank You Letter EN
Horrid Henry hates writing thank you letters. Why should he waste his precious time thanking people for terrible presents? In fact, why should anyone? Then he has a wonderful, spectacular idea that's guaranteed to make him rich, rich rich! Read by Miranda Richardson.
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Francesca Simon Horrid Henry's Underpants EN
Horrid Henry receives a most unwelcome present ...Read by Miranda Richardson.
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Francesca Simon Horrid Henry's Wedding EN
Prissy Polly is getting married to Pimply Paul, and Henry and Peter have to be pageboys. In green satin knickerbockers. Ugh. Wormy worm Peter can't wait, of course. But Henry decides that if he has to be part of it, he can at least make sure that this is the most horrible wedding ...ever. Early Readers are stepping stones from picture books to reading books. A blue Early Reader is perfect for sharing and reading…
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Francesca Simon Lumpárny darebáka Davida CZ
Další setkání s Darebákem Davidem, jeho spolužáky a bratrem Vzorným Vítkem. Dozvíme se, jak David utekl z domova a co ho přimělo, aby se vrátil, jak prodal svého bratra Vítka a jak se elegantně zbavil vší. David tváří v tvář nespravedlivému světu vždycky přijde na nějaký báječný nápad, kterým všechno vyřeší. Jen jeho okolí na to bohužel pokaždé doplatí. Darebák David zkrátka nikdy nezklame.
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Francesca Simon Lumpárny darebáka Davida /Nové/ CZ
Veselé příběhy nenapravitelného darebáka Davida. Druhé pokračování knihy DAREBÁK DAVID. Jednoduché a svižné čtení pro nejmenší čtenáře.
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Francesca Simon Pomsta Darebáka Davida CZ
Darebák David přichází za dětmi s další řadou příběhů. Dozvíme se v nich, jak opravil tatínkovi počítač, jak si vedl na hodině plavání, jak psal domácí úkol nebo jak spřádal sladkou pomstu. Mezi oběti jeho báječných zlomyslností patří samozřejmě jako vždy jeho bráška Vzorný Vítek, kamarádka Náladová Nela a další děti ze sousedství. Darebákovi Davidovi zkrátka není radno plést se do cesty. Z obsahu: Darebák David…
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Francesca Simon Pomsta Grázlika Gaba
V ďalších štyroch príbehoch o tomto drsnom chalanovi sa dozvieme, ako to dopadne, keď otec zoberie Grázlika Gaba do práce, ako šikovne opraví nový počítač a prečo musí ísť Vzorný Vilko do riaditeľne. Kto striehne na deti, ktoré nechcú chodiť do školskej jedálne? Ach, ako sladko chutí Gabova pomsta.
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Francesca Simon Smradľavý útok Grázlika Gaba
V tejto knižke sa Grázlik Gabo vyberie na pyžamovú párty, ktorá nakoniec vypáli úplne inak, ako si to predstavoval. Slečna Tomahavková vyhlási súťaž školských projektov a je jasné, že víťazom môže byť jedine Gabo. Ostatné decká majú skrátka smolu, o to sa už postará. V rodičovskej záhrade vypukne záprdková vojna a nebyť toho dezertérskeho krpca Vilka, Gabo by mal výhru určite na dosah ruky. No a nakoniec, a teraz sa…