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Fiona Watt (60 kníh)

  • Fiona Watt, Rachel Wells That's Not My Plane

    A delightful touchy-feely book with simple, repetitive text. Features bight, colourful illustrations with textures to touch and feel on every pag, helping very young children develop language and sensory skills...

  • Fiona Watt That's Not My Polar Bear

    A touchy-feely board book with simple, repetitive text, tactile patches and bold illustrations suitable for babies and toddlers. A little, white mouse appears on every page, for children to spot...

  • Fiona Watt, Rachel Wells (ilustrácie) That's not my puppy...

    A sparkly special edition of the very first That's not my… book to celebrate 20 years of That's not my… books! Babies and toddlers will love touching the textured patches as they meet puppies with fluffy tails, shaggy ears and bumpy paws...

  • Fiona Watt That's Not My Teddy EN

    A delightful touchy-feely book with simple, repetitive text and bold illustrations suitable for babies and toddlers.

  • Fiona Watt That's Not My Tractor EN

    This is a lovely new edition of this popular title in the groundbreaking 'That's not my...' series. It combines bright, colourful illustrations with a variety of different textures to touch and feel. It helps very young children develop important language and sensory skills. Series awarded 'Best Buy' by the readers of 'Prima Baby' magazine. This title comes from an award-winning series shortlisted for the British…

  • Fiona Watt That's Not My Train EN

    A touchy-feely board book with simple, repetitive text, tactile patches and bold illustrations suitable for babies and toddlers. A little white mouse appears on every page, for children to spot.

  • Fiona Watt That's Not My Truck EN

    A touchy-feely board book with simple, repetitive text, tactile patches and bold illustrations suitable for babies and toddlers. A little, white mouse appears on every page, for children to spot.

  • Fiona Watt, Olga Demidova (ilustrácie) The Nutcracker

    One magical Christmas night, a little girl's Nutcracker doll comes to life! Little children will love pressing the pages to hear special arrangements from Tchaikovsky's famous Nutcracker ballet. With simple text and stunning illustrations by ...

  • Fiona Watt, Rebecca Gilpin Vánoce - nápady pro malé výtvarníky CZ

    Tato kniha je nabitá inspirací na originální vánoční blahopřání, třpytivé dekorace a vynikající vánoční recepty. Jednoduše postupujte krok za krokem podle předepsaných návodů a budete překvapeni, jak snadné je dobrat se skvělého výsledku.

  • Fiona Watt Výtvarné nápady pre šikovné deti

    Táto inšpiratívna knižka vám ukáže, ako používať rôzne druhy farieb na vytvorenie pekných malieb a kresieb. Tento titul si môžete kúpiť aj v českom preklade.

  • Fiona Watt Záhrada

    Táto očarujúca záhrada je pokojná len zdanlivo, je tu totiž poriadne živo. Roztvor priestorové leporelo a nechaj sa vtiahnuť do farebného sveta plného zvierat a rastlín. Ktorý hladný tvor si robí zálusk na zeleninu v záhone?...

  • Fiona Watt Zahrada

    Tato okouzlující zahrada je klidná jen zdánlivě, je tu totiž pěkně živo. Rozevři prostorové leporelo a nechej se vtáhnout do barevného světa plného zvířat a rostlin. Který hladový tvor si dělá zálusk na zeleninu v záhonu? Co...
