Fiona Macdonald (4 knihy)
Fiona Macdonald Charles Dickens
From Oliver Twist and Great Expectations to A Christmas Carol and A Tale of Two Cities, the novels of Charles Dickens are among the best loved and most adapted in English literature. This charming and informative little gift book asks why, what, where, how, and who the Dickens was Charles Dickens? Why did he keep a pet raven that pecked at his children's shins? Why did he have a tunnel built under the road in front…
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Fiona Macdonald, Antony Mason Kultúra ľudstva
Slovo kultúra sa tradične používa pre také druhy umenia ako je hudba, tanec, literatúra a dráma. * O všetkých oblastiach kultúry naprieč históriou a okolo celého sveta * Osem hlavných tematických okruhov: literatúra, náboženstvo, hudba, dizajn, dramatické umenie, mýty a legendy, výtvarné umenie, dejiny kultúry * Od pradávnych bohov a prvého písma cez odievanie po nové technológie a modernú hudbu * Stovky…
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Fiona Macdonald, Philip Steele, Michael Stotter, Jen Green The Encyclopedia of The Ancient Americas
A fascinating journey into the past with hands-on projects bringing history to life, illustrated throughout.