Fanny Britt (3 knihy)
Fanny Britt, Isabelle Arsenault (ilustrátor) Jana, líška a ja
Hélène v škole šikanujú dievčatá, ktoré boli ešte donedávna jej kamarátkami. Dnes však vypisujú po stenách zosmiešňujúce nápisy, ohovárajú ju v autobuse i v triede. Hélène sa snaží nevšímať si to a pred realitou uniká čítaním knižky...
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Fanny Britt, (ilustrácie) Jane, the Fox and Me
An emotionally truthful and visually stunning graphic novel about solace and redemption. Helene is not free to hide from the taunts of her former friends in the corridors at school. She can't be invisible in the playground or in the stairways leading ...
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Fanny Britt, Isabelle Arsenault (ilustrácie) Louis Undercover
A visually stunning, thoughtful and thought-provoking graphic novel about family separation, love and bravery from the award-winning creators of the internationally admired Jane, the Fox and Me...