Emma Donoghue (15 kníh)
Emma Donoghue Akin
In her first contemporary novel since Room, bestselling author Emma Donoghue returns with her next masterpiece, Akin, a brilliant tale of love, loss and family. Noah is only days away from his first trip back to Nice since he ...
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Emma Donoghue Akin
Noah is only days away from his first trip back to Nice since he was a child when a social worker calls looking for a temporary home for Michael, his eleven-year-old great-nephew. Though he has never met the boy, he gets talked into taking him along...
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Emma Donoghue Astray
Picador: ‘Emma Donoghue writes books that are unlike anything I have ever seen before, and Astray is no exception. There is such a deep and compassionate imagination at work in every story in this collection that Astray feels almost like an act of clairvoyance.’ Ann Patchett, Orange prize-winning author of Bel Canto
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Emma Donoghue Frog Music EN
San Francisco, 1876: a stifling heat wave and smallpox epidemic have engulfed the City. Deep in the streets of Chinatown live three former stars of the Parisian circus: Blanche, now an exotic dancer at the House of Mirrors, her lover Arthur and his companion Ernest. When an eccentric outsider joins their little circle, secrets unravel, changing everything – and leaving one of them dead. Frog Music, inspired by true…
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Emma Donoghue Frog Music
San Francisco, 1876: a stifling heat wave and smallpox epidemic have engulfed the City. Deep in the streets of Chinatown live three former stars of the Parisian circus: Blanche, now an exotic dancer at the House of Mirrors, her lover Arthur and his...
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Emma Donoghue Hood EN
From the New York Times bestselling author of Room, Emma Donoghue, Hood is a graceful tale of a young woman who must come toterms with love and loss in the wake of her partner's sudden passing. The NewYork Times Book Review calls Hood utterly charming, writing that,Ms. Donoghue displays her confidence by avoiding the grandiose and the showy, and dipping into the ordinary with control and the occasional…
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Emma Donoghue Izba
Neraz sa hovorí, že deti majú vždy pravdu. Aj preto úlohou rozprávača svojho trpkého príbehu zverila Emma Donoghuová päťročnému chlapcovi. Jack je mimoriadny rozprávač hneď z niekoľkých dôvodov: vyrastá v prostredí izby, záhradného domčeka prebudovaného na nedobytnú pevnosť, izolovaný od vonkajšieho sveta. Od svojho narodenia nikdy nebol „vonku“ a pozná iba predmety, s ktorými prichádza do styku vo svojej…
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Emma Donoghue Pokoj CZ
Jazykově vytříbený a tematicky ojedinělý román citlivě prozkoumává dětskou duši vystavenou extrémním podmínkám a klade otázky, které inspirují i děsí. Pětiletý Jack žije celý život se svou mladou Mami mezi čtyřmi stěnami Pokoje. Je pro něj celým světem, ale pro jeho matku vězením. Nakonec zosnují odvážný, ale nebezpečný plán útěku. Román byl v roce 2010 nominován v užším výběru na prestižní literární cenu Man Booker…
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Emma Donoghue Pokoj CZ
Strhující román o síle dětské nevinnosti a odvahy, nominovaný na Man Booker Prize. Kniha byla v roce 2015 také úspěšně zfilmována. – Pokoj je to jediné, co pětiletý Jack za svůj život poznal. Je to místo, kde se narodil, kde vyrůstá, kde žije v bezpečí se svou Mami. Celý den si hrají, učí se, cvičí nebo si čtou. V noci ho Mami schovává do Skříně, aby ho neviděl muž, co za ní občas chodí. Jack má z něho strach.…
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Emma Donoghue Prevtelenie
Spisovateľka, ktorá sa už svojím debutom zaradila medzi najčítanejšie svetové autorky, nás tentoraz prostredníctvom skúsenej ošetrovateľky zavedie do zabudnutého írskeho kraja. Polovica devätnásteho storočia do týchto končín akoby ešte ani nedorazila. Vzdelaná anglická ošetrovateľka sa ocitne v prostredí, kde rozhodujú muži, legendy a povery. Jej úlohou je zistiť, či informácia, ktorá sa zásluhou miestneho lekára…
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Emma Donoghue Room EN
To five-year-old Jack, Room is the entire world. It is where he was born and grew up; it's where he lives with his Ma as they learn and read and eat and sleep and play. At night, his Ma shuts him safely in the wardrobe, where he is meant to be asleep when Old Nick visits. Room is home to Jack, but to Ma, it is the prison where Old Nick has held her captive for seven years. Through determination, ingenuity, and…
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Emma Donoghue The Lotterys Plus One EN
Meet the Lotterys: a unique and diverse family featuring four parents, seven kids and five pets - all living happily together in their big old house, Camelottery. Nine-year-old Sumac is the organizer of the family and is looking forward to a long summer of fun. But when their grumpy and intolerant grandad comes to stay, everything is turned upside down. How will Sumac and her family manage with another person to add…
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Emma Donoghue The Wonder EN
In Emma Donoghue's latest masterpiece, an English nurse brought to a small Irish village to observe what appears to be a miracle-a girl said to have survived without food for months-soon finds herself fighting to save the child's life. Tourists flock to the cabin of eleven-year-old Anna O'Donnell, who believes herself to be living off manna from heaven, and a journalist is sent to cover the sensation. Lib Wright, a…
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Emma Donoghue Zázrak CZ
Vynikající psychologický román od držitelky řady cen a autorky mezinárodní bestselleru Pokoj. Zdravotní sestra Lib Wrightová, profesionálka vycvičená samotnou Florence Nightingalovou, přijíždí v polovině 19. století na irský venkov, kde žije údajně zázračná jedenáctiletá dívka Anna. Už po čtyři měsíce nesnědla jediné sousto, a přitom se těší dobrému zdraví. Lib je pověřena lékařským výborem, aby odhalila domnělý…