Emma Chichester Clark (4 knihy)
Emma Chichester Clark Pes Blůma na cestě k dokonalosti
Pes Blůma není jen tak nějaký pes! Má svou hlavu a taky srdce na pravém místě. A protože ví, že starého psa už novým kouskům nenaučíš, rozhodl se neponechat nic náhodě ani zamlada. A vydal se na cestu k dokonalosti, a jak jinak...
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Emma Chichester Clark Plenty of Love to Go Round EN
When Binky the cat moves in next door, Plum can't understand why everyone likes him so much. But she soon learns that there's no need to be jealous and there's plenty of love to go round. Inspired by her hugely popular Plumdog Blog, this charming story explores how to deal with feelings of jealousy.
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Emma Chichester Clark The Plumdog Path to Perfection EN
Plum returns with a charming book of doggy wisdom to help you through life's peaks and troughs. Her first book, Plumdog, made her thousands of new friends. Every one of them will want Plum's guidance as she leads us on the Path to Perfection.