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Edward Lucas (7 kníh)

  • Edward Lucas Cyberphobia EN

    Crossing the road, we look both ways. Riding a bicycle at night, we use lights. So why is our attitude towards online security so relaxed? Edward Lucas reveals the ways in which cyberspace is not the secure zone we may hope, how passwords provide no significant obstacle to anyone intent on getting past them, and how anonymity is easily accessible to anyone – malign or benign – willing to take a little time covering…

  • Edward Lucas Cyberphobia EN

    An alarming and persuasive expose of how cyber-crime, cyber-terrorism cyber-espionage and cyber-warfare converge, by the author of The New Cold War. Crossing the road, we look both ways. Riding a bicycle at night, we use lights. So why is our attitude towards online security so relaxed? Edward Lucas reveals the ways in which cyberspace is not the secure zone we may hope, how passwords provide no significant obstacle…

  • Edward Lucas Deception EN

    From the capture of Sidney Reilly, the 'Ace of Spies', by Lenin's Bolsheviks in 1925, to the deportation from the USA of Anna Chapman, the 'Redhead under the Bed', in 2010, Kremlin and Western spymasters have battled for supremacy for nearly a century. In Deception Edward Lucas uncovers the real story of Chapman and her colleagues in Britain and America, unveiling their clandestine missions and the spy-hunt that…

  • Edward Lucas Klam CZ

    Špionážní služby Kremlu a Západu spolu zápasí již skoro sto let, od doby, kdy Leninovi bolševici v roce 1925 dopadli Sidneyho Reillyho („eso špionáže“). Tento stav trval i v roce 2010, jak dokazuje případ Anny Chapmanové („rudovlásky pod postelí“), deportované tehdy z USA. Významný britský žurnalista a specialista na problematiku Ruska a východní Evropy Edward Lucas ve své nové knize Klam odhaluje skutečný příběh…

  • Edward Lucas Nová studená válka CZ

    Bestseller respektovaného východoevropského korespondenta a komentátora listu The Economist odhalující skutečné pozadí snah a aktivit putinovského Ruska. Mnohaleté zkušenosti a četné kontakty Edwardu Lucasovi otevřely cestu k exkluzivním informacím z kremelského zákulisí, na jejichž základě autor dochází k nanejvýš znepokojivým závěrům: mezi Východem a Západem probíhá nová studená válka – a Západ zatím prohrává.

  • Edward Lucas The New Cold War EN

    Revised and updated with a new preface on the Crimean crisis. While most of the world was lauding the stability and economic growth that Vladimir Putin's ex-KGB regime had brought to Russia, Edward Lucas was ringing alarm bells. First published in 2008 and since revised, The New Cold War remains the most insightful and informative account of Russia today. It depicts the regime's crushing of independent institutions…

  • Edward Lucas The New Cold War EN

    The first book to explain how the Kremlin’s increasingly authoritarian and aggressive stance threatens Europe, America and the world. With a preface by Norman Davies, author of Europe: A History. Revised and updated following Russia's attack on Georgia. In the 1990s, Russia was the sick man of Europe, but the rise to power of former KGB officer Vladimir Putin in 1999 coincided with a huge hike in world oil and…
