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Dunja Gulin (5 kníh)

  • Dunja Gulin Fermented Foods for Vitality and Health EN

    For thousands of years, people have been making naturally fermented vegetables, fruits, dairy products and ales. Japanese cuisine features fermented pickles, miso and tempeh, which are both made using fermented soy beans. In South Korea, live cultured cabbage, or kimchi, is a culinary mainstay and is spreading far and wide. Sourdough bread, made from naturally fermented dough is now coveted across the world.These…

  • Dunja Gulin Raw kuchařka CZ

    Syrová strava je ještě něco víc než jen smoothies a strouhané mrkve. Stále více a více lidí se obrací na syrovou stravu, aby jim dodala energii, posílila imunitní systém, vyčistila jejich kůži, pomohla zhubnout a zůstat štíhlými. Zahrňte syrovou stravu do svého života Existuje množství různých pokrmů a způsobů práce se syrovou stravou k vytvoření zajímavé, udržitelné potravy, aniž byste museli složitě shánět…

  • Dunja Gulin The Vegan Baker EN

    Whether you are a full-time vegan or you choose to cut out animal products whenever possible, there's no need to miss out on your favourite cakes. Baking without eggs, butter and milk is not only possible, but also easy and just as delicious as what you are used to baking. There are now so many alternative ingredients available from supermarkets and healthfood stores and with Dunja Gulin's recipes, you'll have all…

  • Dunja Gulin The Vegan Baker

    Whether you are a full-time vegan or you choose to cut out animal products whenever possible, there’s no need to miss out on your favourite cakes. Baking without eggs, butter and milk is not only possible, but also easy and just as delicious as what ...

  • Dunja Gulin The Vegan Pantry EN

    This comprehensive and inspiring cookery book is ideal for anyone starting out on their vegan journey and who is concerned about maintaining good health, the choice of dishes available, the vegan options for entertaining friends at home, and understanding vegan-friendly cooking. The book starts with plenty of clear, accessible information about key vegan ingredients, getting all the essential vitamins and minerals…
