Donald Hounam (2 knihy)
Donald Hounam Gifted EN
The Bishop of Oxford is very, very dead. At least the police think it’s the Bishop – it’s impossible to be sure, since someone has made off with his head. Fifteen-year-old Frank Sampson is the forensic sorcerer on the case. But he is easily distracted. By Kazia, the supposed victim’s beautiful, and possibly dangerous, niece. By Marvo, his police colleague, who seems dead set on making his life difficult. By the…
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Donald Hounam Pariah EN
The boy on the mortuary slab is dead; so why doesn’t he act like it? Forensic sorcerer Frank Sampson reckons it’s something to do with the bizarre magic symbols carved into his flesh. He thinks he knows the sorcerer behind it; but the trouble is, he also thinks he may be in love with her. Or not. Life can get confusing when your loyalties are divided, you’re on the run, and the Inquisition are on your tail with a…