Don Failla (4 knihy)
Don Failla, Nancy Failla Just the FAQs about Network Marketing EN
Anyone who has been involved in network marketing can tell you that getting started brings with it a lot of questions. Whether you are just starting out or have been in the industry for 10 years, you can still benefit from the over 36 years of experience of Don and Nancy Failla. Here are some of the frequently asked questions that are answered in this book: Questions typically asked by prospects: How much time am I…
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Don Failla The 45 Second Presentation That Will Change Your Life EN
Years ago Don Failla found himself spending hours explaining to new prospects the success principles behind network marketing and teaching them how they could become successful simply by teaching others the same. To teach these principles he used what he called Napkin Presentations that significantly decreased the amount of time it took to teach these basic principles, but it was still a long process. Perhaps even…
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Don Failla, Nancy Failla The System: How to Build a Large, Successful Network Organization EN
The purpose of this book is to teach a person how to instruct others about building their home-based business in a training that will be ten minutes or less. It is interesting to note that once one learns The System there is not much they need to know to make it work. Once you have read this book you will understand why anyone who really wants something can build a business in Network Marketing. Don & Nancy's system…
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Don Failla Základy úspěšného vybudování CZ
Zpracováno na základě podkladů ze seminářů Don Failla 10 Napkin Presentations.Smyslem této knihy je ukázat čtenáři pomocí ilustrací a příkladů, co vlastně strukturní prodej JE a co NENÍ. Kromě toho vám předvedeme, jak můžete ostatním efektivně - zdůrazňuji: EFEKTIVNĚ - principy strukturního prodeje vysvětlit.