Don DeLillo (23 kníh)
Don DeLillo Americana EN
Don DeLillo's Americana - part of the limited edition PENGUIN STREET ART series: timeless writing, enduring design.My life, I said, is a series of telephone messages which nobody understands but me. David Bell embodies the American dream. He's twenty-eight, has survived office coups, scandals, and beaten lesser rivals, to become an extremely successful TV exec. The images that flicker across America's screens, the…
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Don DeLillo Anděl Esmeralda CZ
Don De Lillo je znám především jako romanopisec – a to ne ledajaký: kupříkladu nejvlivnější americký kritik současnosti Harold Bloom jej neváhal označit za jednoho ze čtyř největších žijících amerických prozaiků (vedle Cormaca McCarthyho, Philipa Rotha a Thomase Pynchona). Anděl Esmeralda je ovšem DeLillova první sbírka povídek – a opět nikoli sbírka ledajaká: americká kritika i čtenářská obec se vesměs shoduje,…
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Don DeLillo, Don DeLillo Bod Omega CZ
Richard Elster, nyní třiasedmdesátiletý, byl vědec, když ho vládní váleční stratégové najali aby vytvořil intelektuální rámec pro rozmísťování vojáků, zatýkací rozkazy apod. Dva roky četl tajné dokumenty a navštěvoval tajné schůzky. Po skončení služby se Elster stáhne do pouště, kde se k němu připojí filmař, rozhodnutý zdokumentovat jeho zkušenost. Jim Finley natáčí snímek, v němž bude Elster jedinou postavou. Ale…
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Don DeLillo Cosmopolis CZ
Vynikající román jednoho z klíčových amerických spisovatelů současnosti. Sonda do duše megapolisu stejně jako do psychiky člověka, který je zvyklý utrácet během vteřiny miliony. Nicméně ani svět „uvnitř“, tak bedlivě oddělený od toho reálného, není stoprocentě bezpečný… Roku 2012 přijde do kin filmové zpracování díla v režii slavného Davida Cronenberga.
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Don DeLillo Cosmopolis CZ
Vynikající román jednoho z klíčových amerických spisovatelů současnosti. Sonda do duše megapolisu stejně jako do psychiky člověka, který je zvyklý utrácet během vteřiny miliony. Nicméně ani svět „uvnitř“, tak bedlivě oddělený od toho reálného, není stoprocentě bezpečný... Kniha byla předlohou stejnojmenného filmu slavného režiséra Davida Cronenberga (srpen 2012).
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Don DeLillo Cosmopolis EN
Eric Packer is a twenty-eight-year-old multi-billionaire asset manager. He lives in Manhattan. We join him on what will become a particularly eventful day in his life. When he woke up, he didn’t know what he wanted. Then he knew. He wanted to get a haircut. As his stretch limousine moves across town, his world begins to fall apart. But more worrying than the loss of his fortune is the realization that his life may…
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Don DeLillo, Don DeLillo Cosmopolis EN
DeLillo skates through a day in the life of a brilliant and precocious New Economy billionaire in this monotone 13th novel, a study in big money and affectlessness. As one character remarks, 28-year-old Eric Packer wants to be one civilization ahead of this one. But on an April day in the year 2000, Eric's fortune and life fall apart. The story tracks him as he traverses Manhattan in his stretch limo. His goal: a…
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Don DeLillo Cosmopolis EN
DeLillo skates through a day in the life of a brilliant and precocious New Economy billionaire in this monotone 13th novel, a study in big money and affectlessness. As one character remarks, 28-year-old Eric Packer wants to be one civilization ahead of this one. But on an April day in the year 2000, Eric's fortune and life fall apart. The story tracks him as he traverses Manhattan in his stretch limo. His goal: a…
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Don DeLillo, Don DeLillo Falling Man EN
There is September 11 and then there are the days after, and finally the years. Falling Man is a magnificent, essential novel about the event that defines turn-of-the-century America. It begins in the smoke and ash of the burning towers and traces the aftermath of this global tremor in the intimate lives of a few people. First there is Keith, walking out of the rubble into a life that he'd always imagined belonged…
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Don DeLillo, Don DeLillo Falling Man EN
Searing, profoundly unsettling. An unforgettable novel Sunday Times. Falling Man begins on September 11, in the smoke and ash of the burning towers. In the days and the years following, we trace the aftermath of this global tremor in the private lives of a few reticulated individuals. Theirs are lives choreographed by loss, by grief and by the enormous force of history. From these intimate portraits, DeLillo shifts…
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Don DeLillo Libra
Dealey Plaza, Dallas, Texas, Friday, November 22, 1963. 12.30 pm. Shots ring out. A president dies. And a nation is plunged into psychosis. 'Libra' is a brilliant reimagining of the events and people surrounding the assassination of President ...
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Don DeLillo Padajíci muž CZ
Právník, který se dostal z WTC, a vrací se ke své bývalé manželce. Mladý Arab Hammád, jeden z těch, kteří se zúčastnili výcvikového programu pro pilotování letadel. DeLillo nezaměnitelným způsobem zachycuje nejrůznější, často protikladné aspekty moderní reality, hlavně všeprostupující pocit paranoie a nesmiřitelný konflikt mezi jedincem a moderní technologií. Kritika román hodnotí jako jedno z nejlepších děl o 11.…
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Don DeLillo Players EN
In this remarkable novel of menace and mystery Pammy and Lyle Wynant are an attractive, modern couple who seem to have it all. Yet behind their ideal life is a lingering boredom and quiet desperation which leads both of them into separate but equally fatal adventures. And still they remain untouched, players indifferent to the violence that surrounds them, and that they have helped to create.
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Don DeLillo, Don DeLillo Point Omega EN
In the middle of a desert 'somewhere south of nowhere', to a forlorn house made of metal and clapboard, a secret war adviser has gone in search of space and time. Richard Elster, seventy-three, was a scholar - an outsider - when he was called to a meeting with government war planners.
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Don DeLillo Prašivý pes CZ
Prašivý pes je mistrovským, stylisticky vytříbeným dílem autora, jehož měl český čtenář možnost poznat prostřednictvím románů Bod omega, Padající muž či Bílý šum. DeLillův „thriller“ z roku 1978 je přímo esencí konspiračních teorií a paranoidního vnímání reality, jež je tak typická pro určitý segment postmoderní literatury. Příběh se točí kolem údajné existence pornografického filmu, v němž těsně před koncem…
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Don DeLillo The Angel Esmeralda: Nine Stories EN
This is Don DeLillo's first collection of short stories, written between 1979 and 2011; in it he represents the wide range of human experience in contemporary America - and forces us to confront the uncomfortable shadows lurking in the background. His characters are plagued by their own deep, often unconscious, longings; they are subjected to shocking violations, exposed to unexpected acts of terror. No matter…
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Don DeLillo Underworld EN
He speaks in your voice, American, and there's a shine in his eye that's halfway hopeful. It's a vast and sprawling crowd that comes together to watch the Dodgers-Giants 1951 National League Final, and when Bobby Thomson hits the Shot Heard Round the World and wins the pennant race for the Giants, ripples are formed in the heavy undercurrent of time. Meanwhile, on the other side of the planet, another historic shot…
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Don DeLillo White Noise EN
Jack Gladney teaches Hitler studies at a liberal arts college in Middle America where his colleagues include New York expatriates who want to immerse themselves in American magic and dread. Jack and his fourth wife, Babette, bound by their love, fear of death, and four ultramodern offspring, navigate the usual rocky passages of family life to the background babble of brand-name consumerism. Then a lethal black…
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Don DeLillo White Noise EN
First published in 1984, White Noise, one of DeLillo`s most highly acclaimed novels, tells the story of Jack Gladney and his wife Babette who are both afraid of death. Jack is head of Hitler studies at the College-on-the-Hill. His colleague Murray runs a seminar on car crashes. Together they ponder the instances of celebrity death, from Elvis to Marilyn to Hitler. Through the brilliant and often very funny dialogue…
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Don DeLillo White Noise EN
First published in 1985, White Noise won the National Book Award. It is now regarded as a classic of postmodern literature. Jack Gladney is a pioneering professor in the field of Hitler Studies at the bucolic Midwestern College-on-the-Hill. Married five times, he has a brood of children and stepchildren with his current wife, Babette. Over the course of an absurd, tragic year, Jack and Babette will each be forced to…
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Don DeLillo Zero K EN
Jeffrey Lockhart's father, Ross, is a billionaire in his sixties, with a younger wife, Artis Martineau, whose health is failing. Ross is the primary investor in a remote and secret compound where death is exquisitely controlled and bodies are preserved until a future time when biomedical advances and new technologies can return them to a life of transcendent promise. Jeff joins Ross and Artis at the compound to say…