David McRaney (3 knihy)
David McRaney Nejste tak chytří, jak si myslíte CZ
Čím víc se dozvídáme o mozku, tím horší zprávy z toho pro lidskou hrdost plynou. Když se rozhodujete, který mobilní telefon koupit nebo kterému politikovi důvěřovat, a myslíte si, že jsou vaše rozhodnutí racionální, pak máme pro vás dost špatnou zprávu – nejste tak chytří. Naše chování, naše pozornost, paměť i duševní výkon se dají změnit několika slovy, anebo šálkem horkého nápoje. Pokusy s primingem dokázaly, jak…
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David McRaney You Are Not So Smart EN
An entertaining illumination of the stupid beliefs that make us feel wise. You believe you are a rational, logical being who sees the world as it really is, but journalist David McRaney is here to tell you that you're as deluded as the rest of us. But that's OK- delusions keep us sane. You Are Not So Smart is a celebration of self-delusion. It's like a psychology class, with all the boring parts taken out, and with…
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David McRaney You are not so Smart EN
An entertaining illumination of the stupid beliefs that make us feel wise, based on the popular blog of the same name. Whether you re deciding which smartphone to purchase or which politician to believe, you think you are a rational being whose every decision is based on cool, detached logic. But here s the truth: You are not so smart. You re just as deluded as the rest of us but that s okay, because being deluded…