David Foster Wallace (9 kníh)
David Foster Wallace Fate, Time, and Language EN
In 1962, the philosopher Richard Taylor used six commonly accepted presuppositions to imply that human beings have no control over the future. David Foster Wallace not only took issue with Taylor's method, which, according to him, scrambled the relations of logic, language, and the physical world, but also noted a semantic trick at the heart of Taylor's argument. Fate, Time, and Language presents Wallace's brilliant…
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David Foster Wallace Infinite Jest EN
Somewhere in the not-so-distant future the residents of Ennet House, a Boston halfway house for recovering addicts, and students at the nearby Enfield Tennis Academy are ensnared in the search for the master copy of Infinite Jest, a movie said to be so dangerously entertaining its viewers become entranced and expire in a state of catatonic bliss...
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David Foster Wallace Infinite Jest EN
This deluxe paperback edition featuring flaps, new cover art, and a new foreword by Tom Bissell celebrates the 20th anniversary of the original publication of Infinite Jest. A gargantuan, mind-altering comedy about the Pursuit of Happiness in America set in an addicts' halfway house and a tennis academy, and featuring the most endearingly screwed-up family to come along in recent fiction, Infinite Jest explores…
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David Foster Wallace Krátké rozhovory s odpornými muži
V Krátkých rozhovorech s odpornými muži podává David Foster Wallace zprávu o lidských bytostech zasažených úzkostí, nejistotou a osamoceností. Formálně rozmanitý soubor povídek je jakousi verbální anatomií vztahu mezi pohlavími, výpravou do světa m
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David Foster Wallace The David Foster Wallace Reader EN
Where do you begin with a writer as original and brilliant as David Foster Wallace? Here with a carefully considered selection of his extraordinary body of work, chosen by a range of great writers, critics, and those who worked with him most closely. This volume presents his most dazzling, funniest, and most heartbreaking work—essays like his famous cruise-ship piece, A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again,…
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David Foster Wallace The David Foster Wallace Reader
Discover one of the most celebrated writers of our age - the visionary author of Infinite Jest andA Supposedly Fun Thing I Will Never Do Again. From genre-defining reportage to genre-breaking fiction, ...
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David Foster Wallace The Pale King EN
The Internal Revenue Service Regional Examination Centre in Peoria, Illinois, 1985. Here the minutiae of a million daily lives are totted up, audited and accounted for. Here the workers fight a never-ending war against the urgency of their own boredom. Here then, squeezed between the trivial and the quotidian, lies all human life. And this is David Foster Wallace's towering, brilliant, hilarious and deeply moving…
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David Foster Wallace This Is Water EN
David Foster Wallace probes the challenges of daily living and offers advice that renews us with every reading. How does one keep from going through their comfortable, prosperous adult life unconsciously? How do we get ourselves out of the foreground of our thoughts and achieve compassion? The speech captures Wallace's electric intellect as well as his grace in attention to others. After his death, it became a…
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David Foster Wallace Toto je voda
Americký prozaik a esejista David Foster Wallace vystúpil verejne len raz. V roku 2005 sa prihovoril absolventom americkej Kenyonovej univerzity. Jeho prejav vychádza knižne pod názvom Toto je voda a je prvým Wallaceovým textom preloženým do slovenčiny. David Foster Wallace sa snaží odpoveď na otázku – ako žiť svoj život, ako premýšľať? Ako sa dostať zo zajatia vlastného egocentrizmu? Ako nezabudnúť na ľudskosť a…