David Antin (2 knihy)
David Antin Definície a meditácie
- Vzhľadom na svoj vek by mohol byť aj beatnikom... - Ale nie je. O konzumnej spoločnosti, z ktorej vzlieta k nebesiam hrdinský astronaut, nehovorí s hrubiánskym dešpektom, ale so subtílnosťou introvertného lingvistu či matematika. - Považuje sa za básnika? - To sotva. Neviem. Popri záujme o multimediálne žánre? Nie: Antinove texty sú iba dokumenty o výskume. Predmetom jeho výskumu je úloha poézie a mýtus…
Detail -
David Antin I Never Knew What Time It Was EN
In this series of intricately related texts, internationally known poet, critic, and performance artist David Antin explores the experience of timehow it's felt, remembered, and recounted. These free-form talk piecessometimes called talk poems or simply talksbegan as improvisations at museums, universities, and poetry centers where Antin was invited to come and think out loud. Serious and playful, they move rapidly…