David Almond (24 kníh)
David Almond A Song for Ella Grey EN
I'm the one who's left behind. I'm the one to tell the tale. I knew them both... knew how they lived and how they died. Claire is Ella Grey's best friend. She's there when the whirlwind arrives on the scene: catapulted into a North East landscape of gutted shipyards; of high arched bridges and ancient collapsed mines. She witnesses a love so dramatic it is as if her best friend has been captured and taken from her.…
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David Almond Clay EN
With fascination, Davie and his friend Geordie watch the arrival of a new boy, Stephen Rose, in their town. He seems to have come from nowhere, and when he arrives to live with his distant aunt, the local Crazy Mary, no one envies his new home. But perhaps he's the answer to Davie and Geordie's prayers - a secret weapon in their war against monstrous Mouldy and his gang. Intrigued, Davie and Geordie befriend Stephen…
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David Almond Hra na smrt CZ
Třináctiletý Kit Watson je ve Stoneygate nový. Brzy se ale přidává k partě vrstevníků, které vede zvláštní kluk John Askew. Hrají v opuštěných dolech hru na smrt – na koho padne los, ten musí strávit noc v jámě vleže jako nebožtík a potom ostatním vyprávět o svých zážitcích. Kita hra zasáhne obzvlášť silně – upadne do stavu bezvědomí a kolem sebe vidí přízraky dětí, které tu kdysi zahynuly při důlním neštěstí. Jedno…
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David Almond Jackdaw Summer EN
Every summer Liam and Max roam the wild countryside of Northumberland - but this year things are different. One hot summer's day a jackdaw leads the two boys into an ancient farm house where they find a baby, wrapped in a blanket, with a scribbled note pinned to it: PLESE LOOK AFTER HER RITE. THIS IS A CHILDE OF GOD. And so begins Jackdaw Summer. A summer when friendships are tested. A summer when lines between good…
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David Almond, Dave McKean (ilustrácie) Joe Quinns Poltergeist
A dark, powerful and moving short story from the internationally acclaimed author of Skellig. Joe Quinn tells everyone about the poltergeist in his house, but no one believes him...
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David Almond Kit`s Wilderness EN
Kit has just moved to Stoneygate with his family, to live with his ageing grandfather who is gradually succumbing to Alzheimer's Disease. Stoneygate is an insular place, scarred by its mining history - by the danger and death it has brought them. Where the coal mine used to be there is now a wilderness. Here Kit meets Askew, a surly and threatening figure who masterminds the game called Death, a frightening ritual…
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David Almond Kluk, co se koupal s piraňami CZ
Snili jste někdy o tom, že utečete k cirkusu? Stanleymu Pottsovi se to podaří. A co víc, zjistí, že má údajně velmi zvláštní schopnost: dovede se potápět s piraňami, aniž by mu ublížily. Najde v sobě Stanley odvahu svůj zvláštní dar využít? A najde si cestu zpátky ke strýčkovi a tetičce, od kterých utekl? Poetický, laskavě bláznivý a jazykově nápaditý příběh o tom, že někdy pro nás větší nebezpečí než piraně…
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David Almond My Name is Mina EN
There's an empty notebook lying on the table in the moonlight. It's been there for an age. I keep on saying that I'll write a journal. So I'll start right here, right now. I open the book and write the very first words: My name is Mina and I love the night. Then what shall I write? I can't just write that this happened then this happened then this happened to boring infinitum. I'll let my journal grow just like the…
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David Almond Nebeské oči
Je ľahké utiecť z domova pre opustené a problémové deti. Erin a jej kamarát Január to robia stále. Ale tentoraz pôjdu dolu riekou. Tentoraz sa možnovôbec nevrátia. Idú hľadať svoj malý kúsok Raja. Miesto, kde sa budú cítiť v bezpečí, slobodní a milovaní. Ako mohli tušiť, že tam nájdu Nebeské oči? Dievča so zvláštnym menom, ktoré sa malo utopiť v mori, dievča zachránené z bahna. Dievča s tajnou minulosťou, ktorú…
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David Almond O chlapcovi, ktorý plával s piraňami
Stanleyho strýka Ernieho najviac na svete fascinujú konzervované ryby. Ich dom sa dokonca premenil na jednu veľkú konzerváreň. Keď strýko zakonzervuje aj Stanleyho obľúbenú rybičku, Stan sa rozhodne odísť. Na svojich cestách-necestách stretáva legendárneho Pancha Pirelliho, muža, ktorý pláva v akváriu plnom nebezpečných piraní. Nájde aj Stanley odvahu plávať medzi dravými rybami? Titul je vhodný pre čitateľov od 8…
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David Almond Príbeh Angelina Browna
Vtipný a láskyplný príbeh rozprávačského majstra, autora oceňovaného Skelliga a O chlapcovi, ktorý plával s piraňami.Počas jazdy v autobuse objavil Bert Brown vo svojom náprsnom vrecku anjela. Podľa Berta a Betty je rozkošný. Aj pre Nancy, Jacka a Alicu z 5.A. Ale úradujúca riaditeľka školy pani Moleová si to nemyslí. Ani profesor Smellie. A čo záhadný mladík, ktorý sa vydáva za školského inšpektora? Ten človek je…
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David Almond, Alex T. Smith (ilustrácie) Příběh malého Andělína
Bert jezdí s autobusem, jeho žena Betynka je školní kuchařka. A těmhle dvěma přibude na stará kolena do domácnosti andílek. Dají mu jméno Andělín. To si jednou Bert takhle šoféruje a andílka najde v...
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David Almond Secret Heart EN
Joe lives with his mother in Helmouth, a forgotten village crumbling on the edge of the suburbs. His days are spent trying to evade the demands of school and the taunts of the local bullies. Joe's friend, Stanny, insists that Joe must toughen up, become a survivor - and he is adamant that a weekend in the wilderness with Stanny and his Uncle Joff will do the trick. Into Joe's unhappy world comes Hackenschmidt's…
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David Almond Skellig CZ
K čemu mají lidé na zádech lopatky, přemýšlí dvanáctiletý Michal. Jsou to pozůstatky křídel z dob, kdy jsme ještě byli ptáci? Anebo jsme byli andělé? A co když andělé žijí mezi námi? Tyhle otázky Michala napadají, když v polorozpadlé garáži svého nového domova objeví tajemné polomrtvé stvoření – něco mezi člověkem, ptákem a andělem. Jediný, komu se může se svým objevem svěřit, je jeho nová kamarádka Mína. Společně…
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David Almond Skellig EN
When a move to a new house coincides with his baby sister's illness, Michael's world seems suddenly lonely and uncertain. Then, one Sunday afternoon, he stumbles into the old, ramshackle garage of his new home, and finds something magical. A strange creature - part owl, part angel, a being who needs Michael's help if he is to survive. With his new friend Mina, Michael nourishes Skellig back to health, while his baby…
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David Almond Skellig
Načo majú ľudia na chrbte lopatky, premýšľa hrdina príbehu - dvanásťročný Michael. Sú to pozostatky krídel z dávnych čias, keď sme ešte boli vtákmi? Alebo sme boli anjelmi? A čo keď anjeli žijú medzi nami? Tieto otázky Michaelovi napadajú, keď v polorozpadnutej garáži pri dome objaví tajomné stvorenie - niečo medzi človekom, vtákom a... anjelom. Jediná osoba, ktorej sa s týmto tajomstvom Michael môže zdôveriť, je…
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David Almond The Colour of the Sun
One hot summer morning, Davie steps boldly out of his front door. The world he enters is very familiar - the little Tyneside town that has always been his home - but as the day passes, it becomes ever more mysterious...
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David Almond The Colour of the Sun
A darkly twisted detective ghost tale, from the winner of the Guardian Children's Book Prize. Davie travels his small town in search of a supposed murderer. But the landscape soon starts to blur into something dark and twisted...
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David Almond The Fire Eaters EN
There he was, below the bridge, half-naked, eyes blazing. He had a pair of burning torches. He ran them back and forth across his skin. He sipped from a bottle, breathed across a torch, and fire and fumes leapt from his lips. The air was filled with the scent of paraffin. He breathed again, a great high spreading flag of fire. He glared. He roared like an animal. That summer, life had seemed perfect for Bobby Burns.…
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David Almond The Tale of Angelino Brown
A warm and witty tale from a master storyteller, author of Carnegie Medal-winning Skellig and internationally bestseller The Boy Who Swam with Piranhas. Bert and Betty Brown have got themselves a little angel. Bert found him in his top pocket when he was driving his bus. Bert and Betty’s friends think he’s lovely. So do Nancy and Jack and Alice from Class 5K. What a wonder! But Acting Head Teacher Mrs Mole is not so…
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David Almond The Tightrope Walkers EN
It's the sixties. The slums are being cleared and new estates are being built. Joni Mitchell is singing and protestors are marching against the bomb. And sometimes, on the beaches of Northumberland or in the fields above the shipyards of Tyne, Dominic Hall and Holly Stroud really do find love and peace. But life is so precarious. Dom is torn between this talented enchanting lass and the dark and murderous Vincent…
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David Almond The True Tale of the Monster Billy EN
Billy Dean is hidden away. He knows only his mother and father. She is a hairdresser, young and beautiful. He is a priest, smelling of cigarettes and candles, who visits rarely to impart strange wisdom and tell stories. As Billy grows up he remains locked away, a secret child inhabiting his own private world. His father tells him he can heal, that he was born on a terrible day of reckoning and that this might mean…