Danny Denton (3 knihy)
Danny Denton Čarodějova nevěsta 3
Na Čise čeká opět spousta práce. Nejenže se musí vypořádat s vražednou chimérou, ale také s trápením soužícím její novou přítelkyni Redcurrant a jejího milého Joela Garlanda. A když to všechno stihne, možná zbude i trochu času na výlet...
Detail -
Danny Denton The Earlie King and the Kid in Yellow
Ireland is flooded, derelict. It never stops raining. The Kid in Yellow has stolen the babba from the Earlie King. Why? Something to do with the King's daughter, and a talking statue, something godawful. And from every wall the King's Eye watches...
Detail -
Danny Denton The Earlie King and the Kid in Yellow
Ireland is flooded, derelict. It never stops raining. The Kid in Yellow has stolen the babba from the Earlie King.Why? Something to do with the King's daughter, and a talking statue, something godawful. And from every wall the King's Eye watches...