Daniel Everett (4 knihy)
Daniel Everett Dobrú noc a pozor na hady
Daniel Everett popisuje ohromujúce zážitky a objavy, ku ktorým sa dostal počas života s Pirahami ľuďmi z malého kmeňa amazonských Indiánov v strednej Brazílii. Daniel Everett prišiel medzi Pirahov so svojou ženou a tromi deťmi...
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Daniel Everett How Language Began EN
In his groundbreaking new book Daniel Everett seeks answers to questions that have perplexed thinkers from Plato to Chomsky: when and how did language begin? What is it? And what is it for? Daniel Everett confounds the conventional wisdom that language originated with Homo sapiens 150,000 years ago and that we have a 'language instinct'. Drawing on evidence from a wide range of fields, including linguistics,…
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Daniel Everett How Language Began
In his groundbreaking new book Daniel Everett seeks answers to questions that have perplexed thinkers from Plato to Chomsky: when and how did language begin? What is it? And what is it for? ...