Cressida Cowell (100 kníh)
Cressida Cowell Ako zlomiť dračie srdce
Štikúta Strašného Šťukovca III. očakávajú ďalšie nové dobrodružstvá, musí ochrániť Rybonohovu lásku k Rozmarnici O'Ošklici. Štikút má pred sebou nesplniteľnú úlohu, musí poraziť zúrivých Amokov, zachrániť Rybonoha pred Beštiou a odhaliť tajomstvo strateného trónu Západodivočiny. Aby prežil všetky nástrahy, musí konať ako skutočný HRDINA!
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Cressida Cowell Ako zmeniť dračí osud
Niekto ukradol ohňový kameň. Sopka na ostrove Lávochrlič už dlhšie duní a teraz sa schyľuje k naozaj poriadnemu výbuchu. Keď sa tak stane, zo všetkých vajíčok sa vyďobú ničivce. Podarí sa Štikútovi vrátiť ohňový kameň späť do sopky a zabrániť jej vybuchnúť? Zachráni vikinské kmene pred hrozivými mečovitými pazúrmi ničivcov?
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Cressida Cowell Ako zmeniť dračí osud
Niekto ukradol ohňový kameň. Sopka na ostrove Lávochrlič už dlhšie duní a teraz sa schyľuje k naozaj poriadnemu výbuchu. Keď sa tak stane, zo všetkých vajíčok sa vyďobú ničivce. Podarí sa Štikútovi vrátiť ohňový kameň späť do sopky a zabrániť jej vybuchnúť? Zachráni vikinské kmene pred hrozivými mečovitými pazúrmi ničivcov?
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Cressida Cowell Ako zradiť dračieho hrdinu
Jedenásta časť príbehov slávneho vikinského hrdinu - udatného, chrabrého a múdreho Štikúta Strašného Šťukovca III. – je predposledná kniha jeho nebezpečných dobrodružstiev a pamätí. Štikút sa má stať kráľom Západodivočiny. Opäť stojí pred mnohými nebezpečnými úlohami a musí prekonať množstvo úskalí. Ohrozujú ho draky, ktoré slúžia hrôzostrašnej strige, musí získať Stratené veci, ktoré mu ukradol Alvin Zradný, a v…
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Cressida Cowell Čarodeji dávnoveku
Nová séria dobrodružných príbehov od autorky slávnej knihy Ako si vycvičiť draka je na svete. Zavedie vás do pradávna, čias, keď ešte čary voľne putovali po svete, v temných lesoch lietali škriatkovia, vtáky hovorili ľudskou rečou...
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Cressida Cowell Čary po druhé
Nová séria dobrodružných príbehov od autorky slávnej knihy Ako si vycvičiť draka už má aj druhú časť. Kniha Čary po druhé vás zavedie do pradávna. Do čias, keď ešte čary voľne putovali po svete, v temných lesoch lietali škriatkovia, vtáky hovorili...
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Cressida Cowell How to be a Pirate's Dragon EN
Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III was an awesome sword-fighter, a dragon-whisperer and the greatest Viking Hero who ever lived. But it wasn't always like that. Hiccup's memoirs look back to when Hiccup was just an ordinary boy, and finding it very hard to be a Hero. Can Hiccup find Grimbeard the Ghastly's treasure before Alvin the Treacherous gets his sneaky hands on it? And if Hiccup opens a box that says DO NOT OPEN,…
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Cressida Cowell How to be a Viking EN
The first How To Train Your Dragon book ever, and the inspiration for Cressida Cowell's best-selling fiction books that is now a Dreamworks feature film. So begins Cressida Cowell's stories about a little Viking who cannot fit in. Unlike his dad, Stoick the Vast, Hiccup is tiny, thoughtful and polite and scared of almost everything - especially of going to sea for the very first time. But go he must...So who will…
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Cressida Cowell How to Betray a Dragon's Hero EN
High up in the treacherous mists of the Murderous Mountains, Hiccup and the Company of the Dragonmark are in hiding. The witch's Spydragons are guarding the shores of Tomorrow - but Hiccup is determined to become King of the Wilderwest. Can Hiccup dodge the dragons and steal the King's Things back from Alvin before the Doomsday of Yule? And is there a traitor in Hiccup's camp who in the end will betray them all?
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Cressida Cowell How to Break a Dragon's Heart EN
Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III was an awesome sword-fighter, a dragon-whisperer and the greatest Viking Hero who ever lived. But it wasn't always like that. Hiccup's memoirs look back to when Hiccup was just an ordinary boy, and finding it very hard to be a Hero. Hiccup must battle Berserks, dodge Scarers, complete the Impossible Task and save Fishlegs from being fed to the Beast! And all while being hunted down by…
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Cressida Cowell How to Cheat a Dragon's Curse EN
Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III was an awesome sword-fighter, a dragon-whisperer and the greatest Viking Hero who ever lived. But it wasn't always like that. Hiccup's memoirs look back to when Hiccup was just an ordinary boy, and finding it very hard to be a Hero. Fishlegs has been struck with deadly Vorpentitis. The only cure is rare and almost impossible to find ...a potato. But where on Berk will Hiccup find such…
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Cressida Cowell How to Fight a Dragon's Fury EN
Dragons vs Humans: is this the end? Find out in the twelfth book in the How to Train Your Dragon series. It is the Doomsday of Yule. At the end of this day, either the humans or the dragons will face extinction. Alvin the Treacherous is about to be crowned the King of the Wilderwest on the island of Tomorrow. His reign of terror will begin with the destruction of dragons everywhere. The fate of the dragon world lies…
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Cressida Cowell How to Ride a Dragon's Storm EN
Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III was an awesome sword-fighter, a dragon-whisperer and the greatest Viking Hero who ever lived. But it wasn't always like that. Hiccup's memoirs look back to when Hiccup was just an ordinary boy, and finding it very hard to be a Hero. Hiccup has three months, five days and six hours to discover America, get back to Berk, save his father, battle Polarserpents, AND win the annual Inter…
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Cressida Cowell How to Seize a Dragon's Jewel EN
The story continues in the tenth volume of Hiccup's How to Train Your Dragon memoirs. When we last left Hiccup things were getting very dark indeed. The Dragon Rebellion has begun. Snotlout is the new Chief of the Hooligan Tribe. Stoick has been banished and given the Slavemark. And Alvin the Treacherous has EIGHT of the King's Lost Things, and has been proclaimed the new King of the Wilderwest... But what can…