Conrad Mason (3 knihy)
Conrad Mason, Colin King (ilustrácie) How Things Work
This is an amazing flap book packed with inventions, machines, gadgets and devices, and facts and information about how they work. Over 90 flaps reveal the insides of car engines...
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Conrad Mason Nazrite do vnútra lodí
Zdvihnite kotvu, napnite plachty a vydajte sa preskúmať svet lodí. Ak nadvihnete záklopky, nazriete do vnútorných priestorov všetkých typov plavidiel, od škípajúcich galeón až po hlučné zaoceánska parníky a obrovské lietadlové lode.
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Conrad Mason See Inside Ships EN
This is a new addition to the See Inside series about ships throughout history from Viking longboats to Spanish galleons, ironclads to aircraft carriers. Lifting the flaps reveals the insides of ships from across the ages, explaining in simple, clear language what they were used for, how the crew and passengers lived and how they sailed the oceans. It includes a gate-fold page of a huge aircraft carrier.