Clifford A. Pickover (7 kníh)
Clifford A. Pickover Kniha o fyzice CZ
Kniha Clifforda A. Pickovera, autora bestselleru Matematická kniha, představuje vel kolepou mozaiku atraktivních témat z historie fyziky a přírody od velkého třesku až po vzdálenou budoucnost ztrácející se kdesi v nekonečnu. Každému tématu je věnován poměrně stručný, ale výstižný text a celostránková barevná ilustrace. Jednotlivá témata se týkají fyzikálních zkušeností a objevů člověka za celou dobu jeho existence…
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Clifford A. Pickover Matematická kniha CZ
Autor nás ve 250 stručných kapitolách provádí důležitými milníky historie matematiky a otevírá před námi svět plný nesmírných záhad a krásy. Fundovaně a s láskou představuje nejvýznamnější matematické poznatky a teorie spolu s jejich geniálními objeviteli od Pythagora a Eukleida přes Newtona, Eulera a Gausse po Gödela, Mandelbrota a Picka. Najdeme zde ale i ty nejpodivuhodnější hádanky a hříčky, jaké kdy lidé…
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Clifford A. Pickover The Math Book EN
Math’s infinite mysteries and beauty unfold in this follow-up to the best-selling The Science Book. Beginning millions of years ago with ancient “ant odometers” and moving through time to our modern-day quest for new dimensions, it covers 250 milestones in mathematical history. Among the numerous delights readers will learn about as they dip into this inviting anthology: cicada-generated prime numbers, magic squares…
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Clifford A. Pickover The Math Book EN
You don't have to be a whiz at maths to enjoy this fascinating appreciation of 250 milestones in the history of mathematics. The topics covered span more than 150 million years and range from the application of mathematical concepts in the understanding of knots, noughts and crosses, dice and other familiar items to the theoretical realm of fuzzy logic, catastrophe theory and the mathematical universe hypothesis.…
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Clifford A. Pickover The Medical Book EN
The history of medicine is as old as the history of human civilization. In The Medical Book, popular science writer Clifford A. Pickover explores 250 milestone discoveries in medicine that span more than 12,000 years. Whether writing on hard science topics such as DNA structure, reverse transcriptase and AIDS, polymerase chain reaction, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), or ideas from the medical fringe such as…
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Clifford A. Pickover The Physics Book EN
Following the hugely successful The Science Book and The Math Book comes a richly illustrated chronology of physics, containing 250 short, entertaining, and thought-provoking entries. In addition to exploring such engaging topics as dark energy, parallel universes, the Doppler effect, the God particle, and Maxwell's demon, the book's timeline extends back billions of years to the hypothetical Big Bang and forward…
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Clifford A. Pickover The Physics Book EN
In The Physics Book, bestselling popular science writer Clifford A. Pickover explores 250 milestone discoveries in the field of physics that span a historical timeline extending from 13.7 billion years B.C. to more than 100 trillion years in the future. Written for the layperson in accessible and entertaining prose, this volume covers topics ranging from the commonplace (the tuning fork, the telescope, the…