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Claire Fuller (4 knihy)

  • Claire Fuller Bitter Orange

    Frances Jellico is dying. A man who calls himself the vicar visits, hoping to extract a deathbed confession. He wants to know what really happened that fateful summer of 1969, when Frances - tasked with surveying a dilapidated country house ...

  • Claire Fuller Nekonečné dny CZ

    Peggy je osm let, když ji otec James odveze z Londýna, kde dosud žila, do polorozbořené chaty v lesích a řekne jí, že to bude od této chvíle jejich domov, protože svět byl zničen a všichni ostatní jsou mrtví. Peggy, zbavená všeho, co do té chvíle považovala za jisté, se musí naučit spoléhat sama na sebe a na svou fantazii… a nakonec i rozplést celé tajemství jejich útěku a vrátit se k matce, kterou považovala za…

  • Claire Fuller Our Endless Numbered Days

    Peggy Hillcoat is eight. She spends her summer camping with her father, playing her beloved record of The Railway Children and listening to her mother's grand piano, but her pretty life is about to change...

  • Claire Fuller Swimming Lessons

    A possible sighting brings their children, Nan and Flora, home. Together they begin to confront the mystery of their mother. Is Ingrid dead? Or did she leave? And do the letters hidden within Gil's books hold the answer to the truth behind his marriage, a truth hidden from everyone including his own children?
