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Christopher Hitchens (14 kníh)

  • Christopher Hitchens And Yet... Essays

    Christopher Hitchens was an unparalleled, prolific writer, who raised the polemical essay to a new art form, over a lifetime of thinking and debating the defining issues of our times. As an essayist he contributed to the New Statesman...

  • Christopher Hitchens Arguably

    For over forty years, Christopher Hitchens has proclaimed truth where others have spun falsehood and written, with passionate commitment, on matters that others fear to broach. This volume of essays encompasses...

  • Christopher Hitchens Bůh není veliký CZ

    Christopher Hitchens se erudovaně věnuje jedné z nejnaléhavějších otázek současnosti: zhoubné síle náboženství ve světě. V této působivé knize Bůh není veliký polemizuje s věřícími, předkládá základní argumenty proti náboženství (a ve prospěch sekulárnějšího přístupu k životu), a to formou podrobné a poučené interpretace stěžejních textů hlavních světových náboženství. Hitchens vypráví o vlastních nebezpečných…

  • Christopher Hitchens Bůh není veliký

    Do rukou se vám dostává kniha od autora označovaného za jednoho z nejskvělejších novinářů naší doby (London Observer), v níž diskuze o úloze náboženství ve veřejném životě získává zcela novou podobu. Christopher Hitchens se...

  • Christopher Hitchens Christopher Hitchens: The Last Interview and Other Conversation

    One of his generation’s greatest public intellectuals, and perhaps its fiercest, Christopher Hitchens was a brilliant interview subject. This collection—which spans from his early prominence as a hero of the Left to his controversial support for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan toward the end of his life—showcases Hitch’s trademark wit on subjects as diverse as his mistrust of the media, his love of literature, his…

  • Christopher Hitchens God is Not Great EN

    God Is Not Great is the ultimate case against religion. In a series of acute readings of the major religious texts, Christopher Hitchens demonstrates the ways in which religion is man-made, dangerously sexually repressive and distorts the very origins of the cosmos. Above all, Hitchens argues that the concept of an omniscient God has profoundly damaged humanity, and proposes that the world might be a great deal…

  • Christopher Hitchens God is not Great EN

    From Publishers Weekly Hitchens, one of our great political pugilists, delivers the best of the recent rash of atheist manifestos. The same contrarian spirit that makes him delightful reading as a political commentator, even (or especially) when he's completely wrong, makes him an entertaining huckster prosecutor once he has God placed in the dock. And can he turn a phrase!: monotheistic religion is a plagiarism of…

  • Christopher Hitchens God is not Great EN

    Hitchens takes on his biggest subject yet—the increasingly dangerous role of religion in the world. With insight and wit, he describes the ways in which religion is man-made, immoral, and repressive and argues for a new enlightenment through science and reason.

  • Christopher Hitchens Hitch 22: A Memoir EN

    In this long-awaited and candid memoir, Hitchens re-traces the footsteps of his life to date, from his childhood in Portsmouth, with his adoring, tragic mother and reserved Naval officer father; to his life in Washington DC, the base from which from he would launch fierce attacks on tyranny of all kinds. Along the way, he recalls the girls, boys and booze; the friendships and the feuds; the grand struggles and lost…

  • Christopher Hitchens Letters to a Young Contrarian EN

    In the book that he was born to write, provocateur and best-selling author Christopher Hitchens inspires future generations of radicals, gadflies, mavericks, rebels, angry young (wo)men, and dissidents. Who better to speak to that person who finds him or herself in a contrarian position than Hitchens, who has made a career of disagreeing in profound and entertaining ways. This book explores the entire range of…

  • Christopher Hitchens Listy mladému skeptikovi

    Intelektuál a prvotriedny provokatér vo svojej kritickej príručke inšpiruje budúce generácie rebelov a rebeliek. Skúma formy odporu od vznešeného disentu po bezdôvodné odvrávanie a predstavuje myšlienky tých, ktorí nezapadli do spoločnosti a stali sa...

  • Christopher Hitchens Mortality EN

    On June 8, 2010, while on a book tour for his bestselling memoir, Hitch-22, Christopher Hitchens was stricken in his New York hotel room with excruciating pain in his chest and thorax. As he would later write in the first of a series of award-winning columns for Vanity Fair, he suddenly found himself being deported from the country of the well across the stark frontier that marks off the land of malady. Over the…

  • Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, Daniel C. Dennett, Christopher Hitchens The Four Horsemen: The Discussion that Sparked an Atheist Revolution

    Known as the 'four horsemen' of New Atheism, these four big thinkers of the twenty-first century met only once. Their electrifying examination of ideas on this remarkable occasion was intense and wide-ranging. Everything that was said as they agreed...

  • Christopher Hitchens The Trial of Henry Kissinger

    Christopher Hitchens goes straight for the jugular in The Trial of Henry Kissinger. Under his fearsome gaze, the former Secretary of State and National Security Advisor is accused of being a war criminal whose reckless actions and ...
