Chris Cleave (7 kníh)
Chris Cleave Everyone Brave Is Forgiven EN
When war is declared, Mary North leaves finishing school unfinished, goes straight to the War Office, and signs up. Tom Shaw decides to give it a miss - until his flatmate Alistair unexpectedly enlists, and the conflict can no longer be avoided. Young, bright and brave, Mary is certain she'd be a marvelous spy. When she is - bewilderingly - made a teacher, she instead finds herself defying prejudice to protect the…
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Chris Cleave Everyone Brave Is Forgiven
A spellbinding novel about three unforgettable individuals thrown together by war, love, and their search for belonging in the ever-changing landscape of WWII London...
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Chris Cleave Gold EN
The extraordinary third novel from Chris Cleave, author of the internationally bestselling, Costa-shortlisted THE OTHER HAND. Kate and Zoe are friends but also ardent rivals - athletes at the top of their game, fighting to compete in the world's greatest sporting contest. Each scarred by tragedy, and each with a great deal to lose, they must choose between family and glory and ask themselves: what will I sacrifice? …
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Chris Cleave The Other Hand (flipback) EN
We don't want to tell you too much about this book. It is a truly special story and we don't want to spoil it. Nevertheless, you need to know something, so we will just say this: It is extremely funny, but the African beach scene is horrific. The story starts there, but the book doesn't. And it's what happens afterwards that is most important. Once you have read it, you'll want to tell everyone about it. When…
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Chris Cleave Včelička CZ
Román Včelička, od úspěšného britského novináře Chrise Cleavea, se okamžitě po svém vydání stal bestsellerem díky neobyčejně silnému příběhu dvou zcela rozdílných žen. S humorným nadhledem, a přece nekompromisně vypovídá o potížích a mravních dilematech, s nimiž se jeho hrdinky musejí vypořádat v současném globalizovaném světě. Dramatické události provázející první setkání těchto dvou žen – úspěšné londýnské…
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Chris Cleave Všem statečným se odpouští
Píše se rok 1939 a Velká Británie vstupuje do války. Když se mladá učitelka Mary seznámí se svým novým nadřízeným Tomem a poté s jeho přítelem Alistairem, důstojníkem dělostřelectva, ocitnou se všichni v tragickém milostném...