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Chris Bradford (13 kníh)

  • Chris Bradford Hostage EN

    In a dangerous world, everyone needs protection. Bodyguard: Hostage is the first in the bulletproof new thriller series from Chris Bradford, bestselling author of Young Samurai. This is Lee Child for younger readers - Cherub meets Jason Bourne. With the rise of teen stars, the intense media focus on celeb families and a new wave of billionaires, adults are no longer the only target for hostage-taking, blackmail and…

  • Chris Bradford Mladý samuraj (kniha 2) CZ

    Jack se chce pomstít. Dračí oko chce jeho rutter (lodní navigační deník). Jack se rozhodne využít rutter jako návnadu, aby chytil jednookého nindžu do pasti, ale jeho plán se strašlivě zvrtne... Žáci Niten Iči Rjú mají mezitim absolvovat Tři výzvy, starodávný rituál, který prověří Mysl, Tělo a Ducha samuraje a určí, zda je žák připraven postoupit dále, aby se mohl naučit neporazitelnou techniku Dvou nebí.

  • Chris Bradford Mladý samuraj (kniha 3) CZ

    Japonsko je ve válce, občanské válce. Daimjó Kamakura Katsura má v úmyslu stát se Šógunem, vrchním vojenským velitelem Japonska. Je pevně odhodlán, že na jeho cestě k moci ho nikdo a nic nesmí zastavit - ani nenapadnutelný Masamoto a jeho samuraj Jack, který je v posledním ročníku školy Niten Iči Rjú, má brzy podstoupit genpuku, obřad dospělosti, ale otázka zní: bude žít tak dlouho, aby mu mohlo být uděleno jeho…

  • Chris Bradford Mladý samuraj 1 CZ

    Třináctiletý Jack Fletcher, který v roce 1610 ztroskotal s lodí u pobřeží Japonska a jehož otec byl brutálně zavražděn nindžou, se ocitá sám v neznámé a cizí zemi a musí bojovat o přežití. Poté co jej zachrání legendární mistr šermíř Masamoto Takeši, nastupuje mladý Jack cestu, která do krajnosti prověří jeho výdrž, neboť se rozhodne stát se prvním gaidžinským samurajem. Pod vedením Masamoty v jeho Niten Iči Rjú,…

  • Chris Bradford The Return of the Warrior

    A new instalment and standalone adventure charting series protagonist Jack Fletcher's return to pre-civil war England. His quest: to find his missing sister, with the help of some familiar faces...

  • Chris Bradford Young Samurai: The Ring of Earth EN

    With no sensei to guide him, he has just his wits and his swords against many new and unknown enemies, as he journeys along the treacherous road to the port of Nagasaki and perhaps home... But the Shogun’s samurai are hot on his trail. Barely escaping their clutches, Jack runs headlong into a trap. Kidnapped by ninja and led to their village deep in the mountains, Jack has no means of escape. The only question is…

  • Chris Bradford Young Samurai: The Ring of Fire EN

    After a snowstorm forces him to take shelter, Jack comes across a village in need of protection from raiding mountain bandits. Torn between moving on or helping, Jack is persuaded to stay and fight their cause. But Jack is the first and only samurai to do so. Now he must enlist other warriors to the village's aid before the bandits return to steal their harvest. No easy task when the reward is so little and he is a…

  • Chris Bradford Young Samurai: The Ring of Sky EN

    Packed with historical action-adventure, the eighth and final book in Chris Bradford's blockbuster Young Samurai series reaches a thrilling conclusion. The Shogun has deemed that any Christian or foreigner now discovered outside the bounds of an official trading port will be instantly put to death. For Jack, Nagasaki is within reach, but the Shogun's samurai are closing in with the help of Jack's old school rival,…

  • Chris Bradford Young Samurai: The Ring of Water EN

    AUGUST, 1613. Bruised and battered, Jack Fletcher wakes up in a roadside inn wrapped only in a dirty kimono. He has lost everything, including his memory of what happened. Determined to discover the truth, Jack goes on a quest to retrieve his belongings - his precious swords, his friend Akiko's black pearl and most important of all, his father's prize possession. Relying on his samurai and ninja training, Jack…

  • Chris Bradford Young Samurai: The Ring of Wind EN

    Jack Fletcher is battling the high seas. Ambushed by the Shogun's samurai, Jack and his friends have only one hope of escape - the Seto Sea. But with ferocious storms, man-eating sharks and ninja pirates at every turn, their chosen route is fraught with danger.

  • Chris Bradford Young Samurai: The Way of the Dragon EN

    It is June 1613. Japan is threatened with war and Jack is facing his greatest battle yet. Samurai are taking sides and, as the blood begins to flow, Jack's warrior training is put to the ultimate test. His survival - and that of his friends - depends upon him mastering the Two Heavens, the secret sword technique of the legendary samurai Masamoto Takeshi. But first Jack must recover his father's prize possession from…

  • Chris Bradford Young Samurai: The Way of the Sword EN

    One year of training in samurai school and Jack is in real trouble ...He's busy preparing for the Circle of Three, an ancient ritual that tests courage, skill and spirit to the limit. And, at the same time, Jack is caught in a running battle with fellow student Kazuki and his gang. But these are the least of Jack's problems. He knows his deadly rival - the ninja Dragon Eye - could strike at any moment. Jack…

  • Chris Bradford Young Samurai: The Way of the Warrior EN

    August 1611. Jack Fletcher is shipwrecked off the coast of Japan – his beloved father and the crew lie slaughtered by ninja pirates. Rescued by the legendary sword master Masamoto Takeshi, Jack's only hope is to become a samurai warrior. And so his training begins. But life at the samurai school is a constant fight for survival. Even with his friend Akiko by his side, Jack is singled out by bullies and treated…
