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Chloe Benjamin (6 kníh)

  • Chloe Benjamin Nesmrteľní

    Je rok 1969 v New Yorku a štyria súrodenci Goldovci (Vajra-13, Daniel-11, Klara- 9 a Simon-7 rokov) prichádzajú do Hesterinej ulice, kde vraj býva veštica, ktorá vie každému povedať kedy zomrie. Tú ženu z Hesterinej ulice skutočne nájdu...

  • Chloe Benjamin The Anatomy of Dreams

    Sylvie and Gabe meet and fall in love at boarding school in Northern California when they are just teenagers. Their headmaster is the enigmatic and mysterious Dr Keller, a man obsessed with the idea that people's waking stress and trauma ...

  • Chloe Benjamin The Immortalists

    It's 1969, and holed up in a grimy tenement building in New York's Lower East Side is a travelling psychic who claims to be able to tell anyone the date they will die. The four Gold children, too young for what they're about to hear, ...

  • Chloe Benjamin The Immortalists

    It's 1969, and holed up in a grimy tenement building in New York's Lower East Side is a travelling psychic who claims to be able to tell anyone the date they will die. The four Gold children, too young for what they're about to hear, ...
