Catherine Cookson (4 knihy)
Catherine Cookson Feathers In The Fire EN
Davie Armstrong watches as his master, Angus McBain, publicly thrashes young Molly Geary for refusing to name the man who had made her pregnant. And yet, only an hour later, Davie sees the two of them alone in the malthouse, and learns that the child is McBain's. In a whirl of disbelieving rage he overhears them plotting to let him, Davie, take the blame and marry Molly. Meanwhile, the master’s wife is also…
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Catherine Cookson Simple Soul And Other Stories EN
Set against backgrounds of the north-east, the south coast and London, and ranging in time from the 1920s to the present day, here are ten stories from the pen of the incomparable Catherine Cookson. In these compelling tales we discover once again the magical storytelling ability that has made Catherine Cookson one of the world’s most popular writers. A husband is forced to re-examine his family relationships; life…
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Catherine Cookson Tilly Trotterová CZ
Šestnáctiletá Tilly Trotterová nesplňuje klasická měřítka krásy, je vysoká a štíhlá. Přesto vyzařuje zvláštní, neobyčejné kouzlo, pro které po ní muži touží a ženy jí závidí. Pomáhá prarodičům, kteří ji vychovali, a nebojí se ani „mužské práce“. Miluje jediného muže, farmáře Simona Bentwooda. Ten se však ožení s jinou. A to není jediné zklamání, které Tilly zažije... Nápadník, kterého odmítla, chystá strašlivou…