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Catherine Burns (2 knihy)

  • Catherine Burns Nikomu by neublížil

    Marion žije s dominantním bratrem Johnem v rozpadajícím se domě po rodičích. Stará panna, která ještě spí s plyšovým medvídkem, je na něm zcela závislá. Když bratr skončí s infarktem v nemocnici, musí Marion čelit tomu, před...

  • Catherine Burns, Neil Gaiman The Moth EN

    With an introduction by Neil Gaiman Before television and radio, before penny paperbacks and mass literacy, people would gather on porches, on the steps outside their homes, and tell stories. The storytellers knew their craft and bewitched listeners would sit and listen long into the night as moths flitted around overhead. The Moth is a non-profit group that is trying to recapture this lost art, helping storytellers…
