Cass R. Sunstein (11 kníh)
Cass R. Sunstein Choosing Not to Choose
Our ability to make choices is fundamental to our sense of ourselves as human beings, and essential to the political values of freedom-protecting nations. Whom we love; where we work; how we spend our time; what we buy; such choices define us ...
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Cass R. Sunstein How Change Happens
When do social movements take off? Sexual harassment was once something that women had to endure; now a movement has risen up against it. White nationalist sentiments, on the other hand, were largely kept out of mainstream discourse; ...
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Cass R. Sunstein Human Agency and Behavioral Economics
This Palgrave Pivot offers comprehensive evidence about what people actually think of “nudge” policies designed to steer decision makers’ choices in positive directions. The data reveal that people in diverse nations generally favor nudges ...
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Cass R. Sunstein Impeachment
As Benjamin Franklin famously put it, Americans have a republic, if we can keep it. Preserving the Constitution and the democratic system it supports is the public's responsibility. One route the Constitution provides for ...
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Cass R. Sunstein, Richard H. Thaler Nudge EN
Every day we make decisions: about the things that we buy or the meals we eat; about the investments we make or our children's health and education; even the causes that we champion or the planet itself. Unfortunately, we often choose poorly. We are all susceptible to biases that can lead us to make bad decisions that make us poorer, less healthy and less happy. And, as Thaler and Sunstein show, no choice is ever…
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Richard H. Thaler, Cass R. Sunstein Nudge
Every day, we make decisions on topics ranging from personal investments to schools for our children to the meals we eat to the causes we champion. Unfortunately, we often choose poorly. The reason, the authors explain, is that, being human, we all are susceptible to various biases that can lead us to blunder. Our mistakes make us poorer and less healthy; we often make bad decisions involving education, personal…
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Cass R. Sunstein, Richard Thaler Nudge (Šťouch) CZ
Kniha, kterou časopis The Economist prohlásil za jednu z knih roku 2009, se stala v USA bestsellerem. I když je lidský mozek jistě úžasná věc, byl stvořen jen k určitým účelům, například jak najít potravu a přitom se nenechat sežrat. Účely, k nimž stvořen nebyl, jsou například výběr dobrého penzijního spoření, omezení škodlivého znečištění, vyhýbání se tučné stravě, a plánování na dlouhou dobu dopředu. Každý den se…
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Cass R. Sunstein Simpler
The future of government arrived four years ago. Government became simpler, it became smarter, and Cass Sunstein was at the centre of it all. Drawing on state-of-the-art work in behavioural psychology and economics, Sunstein, ...
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Cass R. Sunstein The Cost-Benefit Revolution
Why policies should be based on careful consideration of their costs and benefits rather than on intuition, popular opinion, interest groups, and anecdotes. Opinions on government policies vary widely. Some people feel passionately about the ...
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Cass R. Sunstein The Ethics of Influence
In recent years, 'nudge units' or 'behavioral insights teams' have been created in the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, and other nations. All over the world, public officials are using the behavioral sciences to protect the environment, ...
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Cass R. Sunstein Why Nudge?
The bestselling author of Simpler offers a powerful, provocative, and convincing argument for protecting people from their own mistakes Based on a series of pathbreaking lectures given at Yale University in 2012, ...