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Carlos Ruiz Zafón (39 kníh)

  • Carlos Ruiz Zafón The Labyrinth of the Spirits

    The long-awaited new novel from the author of the global bestseller and modern classic, The Shadow of the Wind.In the heart of Barcelona's winding alleyways, Daniel Sempere runs the Sempere & Sons bookshop - a place of refuge for booklovers and wander

  • Carlos Ruiz Zafón The Labyrinth of the Spirits

    As a child, Daniel Sempere discovered among the passageways of the Cemetery of Forgotten Books an extraordinary novel that would change the course of his life. Now a young man in the Barcelona of the late 1950s, Daniel runs the Sempere ...

  • Carlos Ruiz Zafón The Midnight Palace EN

    The book begins with a chase through the streets of Calcutta in May 1916. Lieutenant Peake pauses for breath outside the ruins of the Jheeter's Gate station knowing that he only has a few hours to live. Inside his overcoat he is sheltering two newborn babies - twins, a boy and a girl. Pursued by his would-be assassins, Peake runs at full tilt to the house of Aryami Bose, to whom he entrusts the children. In 1932 we…

  • Carlos Ruiz Zafón The Prisoner of Heaven EN

    You've read THE SHADOW OF THE WIND - now read what happens next... THE PRISONER OF HEAVEN returns to the world of the Cemetery of Forgotten Books and the Sempere & Sons bookshop. It begins just before Christmas in Barcelona in 1957, one year after Daniel and Bea from THE SHADOW OF THE WIND have married. They now have a son, Julian, and are living with Daniel's father at Sempere & Sons. Fermin still works with them…

  • Carlos Ruiz Zafón The Prisoner of Heaven EN

    You've read The Shadow of the Wind - now read what happens next... The Prisoner of Heaven returns to the world of the Cemetery of Forgotten Books and the Sempere & Sons bookshop. It begins just before Christmas in Barcelona in 1957, one year after Daniel and Bea from The Shadow of the Wind have married. They now have a son, Julian, and are living with Daniel's father at Sempere & Sons. Fermin still works with them…

  • Carlos Ruiz Zafón The Prisoner of Heaven EN

    THE PRISONER OF HEAVEN returns to the world of the Cemetery of Forgotten Books and the Sempere & Sons bookshop. It begins just before Christmas in Barcelona in 1957, one year after Daniel and Bea from THE SHADOW OF THE WIND have married. They now have a son, Julian, and are living with Daniel's father at Sempere & Sons. Fermin still works with them and is busy preparing for his wedding to Bernarda in the New Year.…

  • Carlos Ruiz Zafón The Watchers in the Shadows EN

    A mysterious toymaker who lives as a recluse in an old mansion, surrounded by the magical beings he has created a sickly wife locked away in a hidden roomm... an enigma surrounding strange lights that shine through the mists that envelop the small island on which the old lighthouse stands...a shadowy creature that hides deep in the woods... these are the elements of a mystery will bind 14-year-old Irene to Ismael…

  • Carlos Ruiz Zafón The Watchers in the Shadows EN

    A mysterious toymaker who lives as a recluse in an old mansion, surrounded by the mechanical beings he has created ... an enigma surrounding strange lights that shine through the mists that envelop the small island on which the old lighthouse stands ... a shadowy creature that hides deep in the woods ... these are the elements of a mystery that bind will bind 14-year-old Irene to Ismael during one magical summer…

  • Carlos Ruiz Zafón Tieň vetra

    Román Tieň vetra sa odohráva v povojnovej Barcelone. Rozprávač a zároveň hlavný hrdina je syn majiteľa antikvariátu, Daniel Sempere, ktorému sa v detstve pri návšteve tajomného Cintorína zabudnutých kníh dostane do rúk román Tieň vetra od neznámeho spisovateľa Juliána Caraxa. Od tej chvíle sa v jeho blízkosti začnú diať čudné veci. Daniel sa knihou nadchne a rozhodne sa pátrať po osude autora a jeho ďalších dielach.…

  • Carlos Ruiz Zafón Tieň vetra + Anjelská hra + Zajatec neba (kolekcia)

    Kolekcia kníh Tieň vetra, Anjelská hra a Zajatec nebaTieň vetra - Román Tieň vetra sa odohráva v povojnovej Barcelone. Rozprávač a zároveň hlavný hrdina je syn majiteľa antikvariátu, Daniel Sempere, ktorému sa v detstve pri návšteve tajomného Cintorína zabudnutých kníh dostane do rúk román Tieň vetra od neznámeho spisovateľa Juliána Caraxa. Od tej chvíle sa v jeho blízkosti začnú diať čudné veci. Daniel sa knihou…

  • Carlos Ruiz Zafón Zajatec neba

    Barcelona 1957. Daniel Sempere a jeho priateľ Fermín, hlavné postavy z románu Tieň vetra, znova podstúpia spoločné dobrodružstvo a spoločne odolávajú skúškam. Keď všetko okolo nich nadobúdalo už usmievavú tvár, akýsi čudesný človek navštívi Sepmpereho kníhkupectvo a vyhráža sa, že prezradí desivé tajomstvo, čo už dve desaťročia ostáva skryté v temnej pamäti mesta. Daniel po spoznaní pravdy pochopí, že osud ho…

  • Carlos Ruiz Zafón Zářijová světla CZ

    „Svým způsobem jsme všichni vlastně rozbité hračky, nemyslíte?“ říká tajuplný výrobce hraček žijící jako poustevník ve svém starém sídle. Obklopen mechanickými bytostmi, které sám stvořil… Z idylky se stane místo hrůzy a Irene s Ismaelem prožijí největší a nejnebezpečnější dobrodružství svého života.
