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Bruce Brooks Pfeiffer (5 kníh)

  • Bruce Brooks Pfeiffer Frank Lloyd Wright EN

    The American Architect Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959) exerted unique influence on the architecture of the first half of this century. This volume presents the whole range of Frank Lloyd Wright's extraordinarily prolific output and shows clearly how his view of the world was a common factor throughout the rich diversity of his oeuvre. From his early prairie houses to the Guggenheim Museum in New York, Frank Lloyd…

  • Bruce Brooks Pfeiffer Frank Lloyd Wright EN

       Monografia jedného z najznámejších architektov 20. storočia... The American Architect Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959) exerted unique influence on the architecture of the first half of this century. This volume presents the whole range of Frank Lloyd Wright's extraordinarily prolific output and shows clearly how his view of the world was a common factor throughout the rich diversity of his oeuvre. From his early…

  • Bruce Brooks Pfeiffer Wright CZ

    Najväčší syntetik architektúry všetkých čias Frank Lloyd Wright realizoval počas svojej kariéry takmer všetky typologické druhy. Kniha, ktorá ho predstavuje ako umelca, ale aj ako človeka túžiaceho po slobode, približuje jeho dielo a myšlienky všetkým, koho architektúra a osud tohto významného umelca zaujíma. Wrightove budovy zmenili tvár svetovej architektúry. Vývin jeho diela od „ prérijných domov“ až po organickú…
