Brian Posehn (25 kníh)
Brian Posehn, Gerry Duggan Deadpool EN
Births, deaths and marriages, they're all here in Gerry Duggan and Brian Posehn's hilarious take on the Merc With a Mouth. But mainly deaths - and, in the case of a zombified horde of U.S. presidents, undeaths! Meet the daughter Wade Wilson never knew he had, the voice in his head he never wanted, and the monstrous Mrs. he should never cross - the succubus queen Shiklah! Enjoy Deadpool's newfound bromance with…
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Brian Posehn, ‎ Gerry Duggan, Declan Shalvey (ilustrácie) Deadpool
Brian Posehn and Gerry Duggan continue their Deadpool double act - and they're there for Wade Wilson's good times, bad times and downright ugly times! Things take a turn for the dark as the Merc with a Mouth is haunted by his Weapon X past...
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Brian Posehn, Gerry Duggan Deadpool
The hits just keep on coming as Duggan and Posehn's Deadpool run continues! Ding-dong, the bells are gonna chime, because Wade's getting married - and everyone's invited! But the honeymoon won't last long when the events of Original Sin cast a cloud over
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Brian Posehn, Gerry Duggan, Scott Koblish, Declan Shalvey Deadpool (Book 2) EN
Gerry Duggan and Brian Posehn's hilarious, nonstop reinvention of the Merc With a Mouth continues! First, it's a lost adventure from the groovy seventies as Deadpool hits the streets with Power Man and Iron Fist! Then, when Deadpool's Weapon X past returns to haunt him, he recruits fellow Weapon Plus alumni Wolverine and Captain America! The reluctant team learns that Deadpool's past has been weaponized, but can…
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Gerry Duggan, Brian Posehn, Fabian Nicieza, Mark Waid Deadpool (Book 3) EN
The magical day has arrived: Deadpool and succubus queen Shiklah tie the knot! But when Deadpool and his bride honeymoon in Japan, will married life agree with our mouthy merc? Or will he start doing the take my wife, please joke all the time? Meanwhile, Agent Preston makes a surprising discovery: Deadpool has a daughter! And there's more to her life than meets the eye! But Deadpool is up to his neck fighting…
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Brian Posehn, Gerry Duggan, Tony Moore Deadpool (Volume 1) EN
Dead former United States presidents, from George Washington to Gerald Ford, have been resurrected and that's bad. The Marvel heroes can't be the ones to stop them... someone is needed with the reputation, skills and plausible deniability to take out these com-monsters in chiefs. Deadpool time is NOW! Be here as Deadpool de-un-deadifies ex-Presidents left and right... matching wits with Tricky Dick Nixon, fighting a…
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Brian Posehn, Gerry Duggan Deadpool (Volume 2) EN
First: flash back to Deadpool's adventures in yesteryear with Iron Man! Then, Deadpool is hired by a demon to reclaim damned souls! And just in case you didn't think he could get any stranger, Wade gets in touch with his feminine side! Plus: Deadpool targets a man with aquatic powers! Then he teams-up with your Superior Neighborhood Spider-Man! And we promise you that he kills one of those two! Gerry Duggan and…
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Brian Posehn, Gerry Dugan, Declan Shalvey, Scott Koblish Deadpool (Volume 3) EN
Deadpool hits the streets with Power Man & Iron Fist!
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Fabian Nicieza, Brian Posehn, Gerry Duggan Deadpool (Volume 5) EN
The day you never dreamed would come has finally arrived: Deadpool is getting married! But to whom?! Tune in to find out as Deadpool and his mysterious bride tie the knot! And to celebrate this magical occasion, we've rounded up every single writer who ever penned Wade's series to contribute new stories! But when Deadpool and his bride honeymoon in Japan, will married life agree with our mouthy merc? Or will he…
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Brian Posehn, Gerry Duggan, John Lucas Deadpool (Volume 6) EN
When they made the Merc with a Mouth, they erased his past. Years later, Wade Wilson sifts through the collateral damage. Who killed his parents, and what would he do if he learned the truth?
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Mike Hawthorne, Brian Posehn, Gerry Duggan Deadpool (Volume 7) EN
AXIS tie-in! Our wall-crawling hero is stalked by a classic Spider-Slayer! Wait. This isn't a Spider-Man book. So what is a Spider-Slayer doing here? Deadpool had better find out before it mistakes one red-clad, wisecracking hero for another, and mashes DP into spider-paste! And if that isn't enough, you know that totally secret thing that's gonna happen in Axis? Yeah-that's totally gonna aff ect Deadpool! Oh man,…
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Brian Posehn, Gerry Duggan, Salvador Espin Deadpool (Volume 8) EN
Deadpool has been through a lot recently, and he needs to relax. Sounds like it's time for a good, old fashioned, simple merc job. Yes sir, Deadpool in the Middle East...should be nice and uncomplicated, right? Right? No, wrong! And when Deadpool clashes with Russian super-agent Omega Red, this time it's personal! Well, for one of them. Sort of. We'll explain. But how does Deadpool's latest misadventure, and one…
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Brian Posehn, Gerry Dugan, Scott Koblish, Declan Shalvey Deadpool 3: Hodný, zlý a ošklivý CZ
Začínáme zapomenutým příběhem ze sedmdesátých let, kdy Deadpool řádil v ulicích po boku Luka Cage a Iron Fista. Jenže i když se pak přesuneme do současnosti, není všemu konec. Minulost se vrátila a Deadpool musí dát dohromady svůj starý tým... a hlavně ho přesvědčit, že je jeho starý tým. A minulost se vrací i jinak – projekt X ohrožuje nejen Deadpoola, ale i Captaina Ameriku a Wolverina, a tak se všichni tři musí…
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Brian Posehn, Gerry Dugan, Scott Koblish, Mike Hawthorne Deadpool 4: Deadpool versus S.H.I.E.L.D. CZ
Tajná agentura udělala svou životní chybu. Naštvala Deadpoola – nezaplatila mu účet. Deadpool si to vzal osobně a vyhlásil S.H.I.E.L.D.u válku. Do toho hledá S.H.I.E.L.D. zrádce ve vlastních řadách a zdá se, že tím zrádcem je agentka Prestonová!
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Brian Posehn, Gerry Duggan Deadpool 5: Deadpool se žení
Není to sen! Není to alternativní realita! Deadpool vážně míří do chomoutu! Kdo bude ta šťastná? Rozhodně počítejte s tím, že na svatbu dorazí všichni... včetně těch nejzásadnějších Deadpoolových scenáristů. A nesmíme zapomenout ani na časem cestujícího..
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Brian Posehn, Gerry Duggan, Scott Koblish (ilustrácie), John Lucas (Ilustrácie) Deadpool 6: Prvotní hřích
Stopa z Deadpoolovy minulosti dovede agentku Prestonovou k šokujícímu tajemství: Deadpool má... dceru! A vzhledem k tomu, že tatík není doma a teroristická buňka lační po krvi (respektive Deadpoolově krevní linii), se její život...
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Gerry Duggan, Brian Posehn Deadpool 7: Osa
Tohle rozhodně není Spider-Manův komiks. Tak co v něm dělá Pavoukobijec a proč pronásleduje Deadpoola? Náš hrdina by to měl hodně rychle zjistit, než se tenhle omyl zvrhne a z užvaněného žoldáka se stane skvrna na vozovce. A do toho...
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Brian Posehn, Gerry Duggan Deadpool 8: Všechno dobré...
Deadpool toho má za sebou hodně. Je na čase si oddechnout. Vzít nějakou jednoduchou, snadnou práci… třeba někde na Středním východě. Tam by mohl být klídek, ne? A pak tu ještě máme ruského agenta jménem Omega Red a jeden návrat do minulosti...
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Gerry Duggan, Brian Posehn, Tony Moore, Scott Koblish Deadpool(Book 1) EN
Gerry Duggan and Brian Posehn's hilarious, nonstop reinvention of the Merc With a Mouth! When a cadre of dead U.S. presidents - from George Washington to Gerald Ford - rise from the grave to terrorize their countrymen, only someone with the already-sullied reputation, indiscriminate killing skills and implicit insanity defense of a heavily armed madman can be trusted with this abhorrent operation. But who in the…
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Brian Posehn Deadpool: Dracula's Gauntlet EN
You've seen Deadpool's marriage to the succubus queen Shiklah! Now see their first meeting and learn the secrets of their bloody romance! When Dracula hires Deadpool to transport a highly valuable delivery for him, he has no idea what kind of trouble he's in for. It's a crazy journey across the world... and into the dark heart of the Merc with the Mouth! Guest-starring Blade, M.O.D.O.K., Hydra Bob, Werewolf by Night…
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Brian Posehn, Gerry Dugan, Reilly Brown, Scott Koblish Deadpool: Drákulova výzva CZ
První Deadpoolův komiks u nás – a hned jeho nejlepší a největší mise! Slavného užvaněného žoldáka si najal samotný Drákula, aby mu doručil tajemnou zásilku. To je startovním výstřelem k zběsilému závodu přes celý svět, ve kterém půjdou po Deadpoolovi všichni tvoři i netvoři – a stranou nezůstane ani samotná zásilka. V ohrožení bude nejen Deadpoolovo tělo... ale i jeho srdce! Upíři! Minotauři! Honičky! Přestřelky!…
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Gerry Duggan, Brian Posehn, Phil Noto, Scott Koblish Deadpool: Flashbacks EN
All of Deadpool's fan-favorite flashback issues, collected in chronological order! (I mean, I think so...really, who can keep track?) First, Deadpool goes back to the 1950s to save Nick Fury from time-traveling Hitler! In the 1960s, Deadpool wreaks havoc on a cosmic level! In the 1970s, he hits the streets with Power Man and Iron Fist! In the 1980s, he matches wits with Iron Man! In the 1990s, Deadpool gets his…
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Brian Posehn, Gerry Duggan, Mike Hawthorne Deadpool: Lovec duší CZ
Deadpool bere všechny zakázky, takže kývne i Mefistovi, který chce, aby mu někdo našel uprchlé duše. Jenže dá se věřit ďáblovi? Nebo spíš - dá se věřit Deadpoolovi? Vedle toho se ještě vrátíme do minulosti, abychom se dozvěděli pravdu o tom, jak to bylo s Iron Manovým alkoholismem... a jak moc v tom měl prsty Wade Wilson. Do toho se Deadpool střetne s protivníkem pod mořskou hladinou, dá se do týmu se Spider-Manem…