Brian Michael Bendis (61 kníh)
Brian Michael Bendis Jessica Jones: Alias EN
All she ever wanted was to be a super hero. But life had other plans for Jessica Jones. Now, the adventures of the would-be Avenger turned bitter superpowered private eye continue with two new cases. In Rebecca, Come Home, Jessica travels to upstate New York to investigate the disappearance of a teenage girl rumored to be a mutant in a prejudiced small town - but a murder mystery and a drunken, ill-advised fling…
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Brian Michael Bendis Jessica Jones: Alias EN
As a costumed adventurer, Jessica Jones was plagued by a lack of self-esteem and an inability to master her superhuman powers. Eventually she realized that she would forever be considered a second-rate super hero, and hung up her cape and tights. Now a tough-as-nails private investigator, Jessica returns home to fi nd a mysterious girl in a costume hiding in her apartment, but the girl fl ies away before Jessica can…
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Brian Michael Bendis, Sara Pichelli, Chris Samnee Miles Morales: Spider-Man
When Peter Parker falls, the world needs a Spider-Man - and young Miles Morales takes up the mantle! Before Peter died, Miles was poised to start the next chapter in his life in a new school. Then, a spider's bite granted the ...
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Brian Michael Bendis, Sara Pichelli (ilustrácie), Chris Samnee (ilustrácie) Miles Morales: The Ultimate Spider-Man
When the Peter Parker of the Ultimate Universe falls, the world needs a Spider-Man - and here comes Miles Morales! But what's the secret behind his powers - and can he master them before the Scorpion strikes? ...
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Brian Michael Bendis, Sara Pichelli (ilustrácie), David Marquez (ilustrácie) Miles Morales: The Ultimate Spider-man
Miles Morales takes up the mantle of the Ultimate Spider-Man! Before Peter Parker died, young Miles was poised to start the next chapter in his life in a new school. Then, a spider's bite granted the teenager incredible arachnid-like powers....
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Brian Michael Bendis Pearl (Volume 1)
Pearl is an exceptional tattoo artist... and and accidental assassin for one of the modern-day San Francisco Yakuza. She was born into one life, but another is calling to her.This is Pearl Vol. 1, from the Peabody Award-winning creators ...
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Brian Michael Bendis, Alex Maleev Scarlet EN
The most controversial and best-reviewed comic book on the stands today is back. From the Eisner Award-winning team of Bendis and Maleev comes the next chapter in Scarlet's one-woman American Revolution. Scarlet's call to arms has been heard all over the world... but now she makes her boldest move yet, taking City Hall hostage while the entire country watches. How will the public react to her list of demands? Can a…
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Brian Michael Bendis, Alex Maleev Scarlet EN
The Award Winning, Best Selling Powerhouse Creative Team behind Daredevil, Halo, and the Avengers unleash their boldest Project yet! Scarlet! This is the comic experience of the year! The first creator-owned series by one of the most successful teams in all of modern comics. Scarlet is the story of a woman pushed to the edge by all that is wrong with the world... A woman who will not back down... A woman who…
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Brian Michael Bendis, Mike Deodata Siege: Dark Avengers EN
After years of mystery, the secrets of the Sentry are revealed! How deep is his madness and who is really in control of him? What is the limit of his power, if any? And what deadly mystery surrounds him causing mortals and gods to tremble in fear?
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Brian Michael Bendis Spider-man
The Sinister Six reborn! Miles Morales' world has been shaken up lately, but nothing compares to what the mysterious Iron Spider and his new group of super villains are about to do. Sandman, Hobgoblin, the Spot, Electro and Bombshell(?!) have united...
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Brian Michael Bendis Spider-Man: Miles Morales EN
Miles Morales is hitting the big time! Not only is he joining the Marvel Universe, but he's also a card-carrying Avenger! But how have Miles' first eight months been, coming to grips with an All-new , All-Different new York? One thing is the same - nonstop action! Like when Earth's Mightiest Heroes all fall, and Miles stands alone against a villain with the power to destroy the universe. Then there's Miles' toughest…
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Brian Michael Bendis Spider-Man: Miles Morales EN
Miles Morales has only been in the Marvel Universe for a few weeks, and he's already finding himself in the middle of a war. Which side will Miles choose?!
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Brian Michael Bendis, Alex Maleev Spider-Woman: Agent of S.W.O.R.D. EN
The team of Brian Michael Bendis and Alex Maleev return to a Marvel comic for the first time since their Eisner award-winning run on Daredevil. Ripped from the pages of Secret Invasion and New Avengers, this explosive chapter follows the new adventures of Jessica Drew aka Spider-Woman as she rediscovers her life in a world she did not make.
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Brian Michael Bendis Strážci galaxie 3: Rozpad strážců
Protože jde Strážcům po krku celá galaxie a Star-Lord je nezvěstný, přišel čas pořídit si trochu pomoci. Jenže zatímco se Strážci galaxie připravují na přijetí nových členů - Venoma a Captain Marvel - nečekaně se objeví...
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Brian Michael Bendis, Steve McNiven, Sara Pichelli Strážci galaxie: Kosmičtí Avengers CZ
V galaxii platí nové pravidlo: Země se nikdo ani nedotkne! Proč se ale ze Země najednou stala nejdůležitější planeta v galaxii? To se právě Strážci galaxie snaží zjistit! Připojte se ke Star-Lordovi, Gamoře, Draxovi, mývalovi Rocketovi, Grootovi a – pozor, překvapení! – neporazitelnému Iron Manovi, kteří vyrážejí na jednu z nejnapínavějších a nejpřevratnějších misí ve vesmíru. Tajemství, která tito galaktičtí…
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Brian Michael Bendis, Gabriele Dell'Otto Tajná válka CZ
Nejtemnější kapitola v dějinách Marvelu. Ve chvíli, kdy Nick Fury odhalí znepokojující spojení mezi nejnebezpečnějšími Marvelovskými padouchy, rozhodne se jednat na vlastní pěst. Sestaví z problamatických superhrdinských solitérů nesourodý tým a vyšle ho na tajnou misi, kterou by vláda spojených států nikdy nemohla uskutečnit. Což může skončit jediným možným způsobem: gigantickou superřežbou, do níž se zapojí celá…
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Brian Michael Bendis, David Marquez The Defenders (Volume 1)
Daredevil! Luke Cage! Jessica Jones! Iron Fist! Individually, these four heroes have been on the front lines of the battle to keep the streets of the city safe and secure...
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Brian Michael Bendis, Marc Andreyko Torso
The gripping tale of Eliot Ness' chase of America's first serial killer: the mysterious torso killer! This 1999 Eisner Award-winner for Comic Book Excellence is completely reformatted in this newest edition to the Jinxworld library! ...
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Brian Michael Bendis, David Marquez Ultimate Comics Spider-Man (Volume 5) EN
Bombshell is back, and young heroes are debuting all across the city - including Cloak & Dagger and Ultimate Power Pack! But can Miles continue on being Spider-Man after everything that's happened, or will tragedy force him to quit? Cloak & Dagger try to bring Miles back into the super hero fold, but when Miles comes face-to-face with the evil of Roxxon, he makes his final decision. Roxxon created Venom, and because…
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Brian Michael Bendis Ultimate Spider man a spol. 6 CZ
Opět tu najdete 100 stránek komiksu! Opět čtyři komiksové sešity v jednom magazínu! Ultimate Spider-Man: Nikdo učený... (3. a 4. díl) Být superhrdinou není žádná legrace. A Spider-Man brzy zjistí, že na něco prostě ještě nemá. A že ne všichni tlustí lidé jsou veselí braši. Že někteří mohou být i pěkně nebezpečí. Zvlášť, když si nechávají říkat Kingpin a ovládají podsvětí. Ultimate X-Men: Lidé zítřka (4. a 5 díl)…
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Brian Michael Bendis Ultimate Spider-Man - Venom CZ
Pro všechny, co oplakávali konec série Ultimate Spider-Man, je tu dobrá zpráva! Přichází další díl – tentokrát v knižní podobě! V tomto svazku najdete kompletní příběh zrození jednoho z nejpopulárnějších marvelovských záporáků, legendárního Venoma! Jenže tohle je Ultimate vesmír, takže nepočítejte, že by bylo všechno tak, jak jste zvyklí...
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Brian Michael Bendis Ultimate Spider-Man a spol. 10 CZ
Ultimate Spider-Man: Dvojí problém (5. a 6. díl), Ultimate X-Men: Návrat do projektu X (6. díl), Ultimate X-men: Světové turné (1. díl)
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Brian Michael Bendis, Bill Jemas, Mark Millar Ultimate Spider-Man a spol. 12 CZ
A je to tu! Dvanácté číslo Ultimate Spidermana a spol., ideální číslo nejen pro věrné fandy, ale i pro ty, kteří doteď váhali a chtějí to zkusit. Protože tady se rozjíždí hned dva nové příběhy! Spider-Manovi, který minule zabodoval s doktorem Ockem, se vrací jeho starý soupeř... vlastně jeho skoro první soupeř. Green Goblin. A je chytřejší, šílenější a nebezpečnější než kdy předtím. A zatímco vyraží Petr Parker…