Brian Knight (3 knihy)
Brian Knight Microsoft SQL Server 2000 CZ
Zatímco v nabídce knih k SQL Serveru najdete hned několik objemných publikací, které se zabývají „povinným penzem“ administrace tohoto databázového systému, snaží se Brian Knight, jeden z největších odborníků na SQL Server, abyste z kapitol jeho knihy uplatnili vždy více než jen několik odstavců, jestliže už základy dobře znáte. Stojíte-li o pokročilejší informace a odpovědí na otázky, při nichž Books Online a jiné…
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Brian Knight, Erik Veerman Professional Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Integration Services EN
* The new edition of the successful previous version is 25 percent revised and packed with more than 200 pages of new material on the 2008 release of SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) * Renowned author Brian Knight and his expert coauthors show developers how to master the 2008 release of SSIS, which is both more powerful and more complex than ever * Case studies and tutorial examples acquired over the three…
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Brian Knight Professional Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Integration Services EN
Fill the gap between planning and doing with SSIS 2014 The 2014 release of Microsoft's SQL Server Integration Services provides enhancements for managing extraction, transformation, and load operations, plus expanded in-memory capabilities, improved disaster recovery, increased scalability, and much more. The increased functionality will streamline your ETL processes and smooth out your workflow, but the catch is…