Brian Conaghan (4 knihy)
Brian Conaghan Když pan Pes kousne CZ
Seznamte se s Dylanem Mintem. Je celkem fajn, až na toho Touretta. Jeho život, to je neustálá snaha ubránit se tomu, co ho Tourettův syndrom nutí dělat: potlačit nutkání sprostě nadávat, tiky, třas, vrčení, vytí psa, který se chce dostat ven, když je Dylan ve stresu. Není to snadné, zvlášť když je táta ve válce, neustále na mušce ostřelovačů, a máma pořád brečí. A jako by to nestačilo, během jedné pravidelné…
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Brian Conaghan The Bombs That Brought Us Together EN
Fourteen-year-old Charlie Law has lived in Little Town, on the border with Old Country, all his life. He knows the rules: no going out after dark; no drinking; no litter; no fighting. You don't want to get on the wrong side of the people who run Little Town. When he meets Pavel Duda, a refugee from Old Country, the rules start to get broken. Then the bombs come, and the soldiers from Old Country, and Little Town…
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Brian Conaghan, Sarah Crossan We Come Apart EN
YA rising stars Sarah Crossan and Brian Conaghan join forces to break readers' hearts in this contemporary story of star-cross'd lovers. Jess would never have looked twice at Nicu if her friends hadn't left her in the lurch. Nicu is all big eyes and ill-fitting clothes, eager as a puppy, even when they're picking up litter in the park for community service. He's so not her type. Appearances matter to Jess. She's got…
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Brian Conaghan When Mr Dog Bites EN
Dylan Mint has Tourette's. His life is a constant battle to keep the bad stuff in - the swearing, the tics, the howling dog that seems to escape whenever he gets stressed... But a routine visit to the hospital changes everything. Overhearing a hushed conversation between the doctor and his mother, Dylan discovers that he's going to die next March. So he decides to grant himself three parting wishes, or 'Cool Things…