Bob Woodward (6 kníh)
Bob Woodward, Carl Bernstein All the President's Men
It began with a break-in at the Democratic National Committee headquarters in Washington DC, on 17 June 1972. Bob Woodward, a journalist for the Washington Post, was called into the office on a Saturday morning to cover the story. Carl Bernstein, a political reporter on the Post, was also assigned. They soon learned this was no ordinary burglary. Following lead after lead, Woodward and Bernstein picked up a trail of…
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Bob Woodward Bushova válka (Bush at War) CZ
Jak vypadaly první reakce politického vedení Spojených států na teroristický útok proti budovám Světového obchodního centra? Jak a kde se rodila koncepce globální války proti terorismu, kterou prezident George W. Bush vzápětí předestřel svým krajanům a celému světu? Jakým způsobem se utvářela rozhodnutí, jejichž důsledkem byla válka proti Tálibánu a strukturám organizace Al-Káida v Afghánistánu? Na tyto otázky i…
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Bob Woodward Fear
With authoritative reporting honed through eight presidencies from Nixon to Obama, author Bob Woodward reveals in unprecedented detail the harrowing life inside President Donald Trump’s White House and precisely how he makes decisions on major ...
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Bob Woodward The Price of Politics EN
Based on 18 months of reporting, Woodward's 17th book is an intimate, documented examination of how President Obama and the highest profile Republican and Democratic leaders in the United States Congress attempted to restore the American economy and improve the federal government's fiscal condition over three and one half years. Drawn from memos, contemporaneous meeting notes, emails and in-depth interviews with the…