Bertrand Lemoine (3 knihy)
Bertrand Lemoine The Eiffel Tower EN
When it was completed in 1889, the Eiffel Tower was the highest structure in the world, measuring 300 meters (984 feet). Built for the World's Fair, it was initially granted a 20-year permit; this permit was thankfully extended and now the Eiffel Tower is one of the world's most famous structures, having become practically synonymous with Paris itself and receiving more than six million visitors annually. This…
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Bertrand Lemoine The Eiffel Tower EN
When Gustave Eiffel completed his wrought iron tower on Paris’s Champ de Mars for the World’s Fair in 1889, he laid claim to the tallest structure in the world. Though the Chrysler Building would, 41 years later, scrape an even higher sky, the Eiffel Tower lost none of its lofty wonder: Originally granted just a 20-year permit, the Tower became a permanent and mesmerizing fixture on the Parisian skyline.Commanding…