Bernd Growe (2 knihy)
Bernd Growe Degas CZ
S impresionizmom mal Degas spoločnú snahu - zastihnutie okamžiku; rozšíril tematiku moderného maliarstva o nové oblasti veľkomestského života (šport, kaviarne, divadlo, balet, cirkus, obchody) a objavil nové kompozičné spôsoby, ktoré mu umožňovali vyvolať u diváka dojem bezprostrednej skutočnosti.
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Bernd Growe Degas EN
In terms of both theme and technique, the key to understanding the early work of Edgar Degas (1834 – 1917) is classical painting. Although he was eventually associated with the Impressionists and even participated in their joint exhibitions, Degas never adopted a purely Impressionist approach. Degas’s work, reflecting an extremely personal and psychological perspective, emphasizes the scenic or concentrates on the…