Bernard Cornwell (96 kníh)
Bernard Cornwell The Burning Land EN
The latest in the bestselling Alfred series from number one historical novelist, Bernard Cornwell. In the last years of the ninth century, King Alfred of Wessex is in failing health, and his heir is an untested youth. The Danes, who have failed so many times to conquer Wessex, smell opportunity! First comes Harald Bloodhair, a savage warrior leading a Viking horde, who is encouraged to cruelty by his woman, Skade.…
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Bernard Cornwell The Burning Land EN
The latest in the bestselling Alfred series from number one historical novelist, Bernard Cornwell. In the last years of the ninth century, King Alfred of Wessex is in failing health, and his heir is an untested youth. The Danes, who have failed so many times to conquer Wessex, smell opportunity! First comes Harald Bloodhair, a savage warrior leading a Viking horde, who is encouraged to cruelty by his woman, Skade.…
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Bernard Cornwell The Empty Throne EN
The eighth novel in Bernard Cornwell’s number one bestselling series on the making of England and the fate of his great hero, Uhtred of Bebbanburg. In the battle for power, there can be only one ruler. The ruler of Mercia is dying, leaving no apparent heir. His wife is a born leader, but no woman has ever ruled over an English kingdom. And she is without her greatest warrior and champion, Uhtred of Bebbanburg. An…
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Bernard Cornwell The Flame Bearer
The brand new novel in Bernard Cornwell's number one bestselling series on the making of England and the fate of his great hero, Uhtred of Bebbanburg...
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Bernard Cornwell The Flame Bearer
The brand new novel in Bernard Cornwell's number one bestselling series on the making of England and the fate of his great hero, Uhtred of Bebbanburg. BBC2's major TV show THE LAST KINGDOM is based on the first two books in the series...
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Bernard Cornwell The Last Kingdom Series EN
The first five books in Bernard Cornwell’s No.1 bestselling The Last Kingdom series, a captivating historical fiction series that transports readers to a time when epic heroes rose amidst the tumult and war of the 9th Century. BBC2’s major TV show The Last Kingdom is based on the first two books in the series. Bernard Cornwell’s captivating historical fiction series, The Last Kingdom, tells the tale of Alfred the…
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Bernard Cornwell The Lords of the North
The third novel in Bernard Cornwell's epic and bestselling series on the making of England and the fate of his great hero, Uhtred of Bebbanburg...
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Bernard Cornwell The Lords of the North
England is Born. BBC2's major TV series THE LAST KINGDOM is based on Bernard Cornwell's bestselling novels on the making of England and the fate of his great hero, Uhtred of Bebbanburg. The Lords of the North is the third book in the series.Season 2 of th
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Bernard Cornwell The Pagan Lord
The seventh novel in Bernard Cornwell's number one bestselling series on the making of England and the fate of his great hero, Uhtred of Bebbanburg...
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Bernard Cornwell The Pale Horseman
The second book in Bernard Cornwell's epic and bestselling series on the making of England and the fate of his great hero, Uhtred of Bebbanburg...
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Bernard Cornwell Vagabond
The eagerly anticipated follow-up to the bestselling Harlequin, this is the second instalment in Bernard Cornwell's GRAIL QUEST series, in a bright and bold repackage...
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Bernard Cornwell Válečníci bouře CZ
Válečníci bouře je devátá kniha Anglosaské kroniky. Uhtred se ocitá v situaci, která nemá snadné řešení. Je nucen rozhodovat se mezi svým rodem a loajalitou k Æthelflaed, mezi osobními ambicemi a povinnostmi k saskému světu. Ale ať se rozhodne tak či tak, celou zemí bude znít řinkot zbraní boje mezi vikingy a Sasy. Syn Alfreda Velikého Edward vládne spolu se svou sestrou Æthelflaed Wessexu, Mercii a Východní Anglii…
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Bernard Cornwell Válečníci bouře
Británií zní řinkot zbraní boje mezi Vikingy a Sasy Válečníci bouře je devátá kniha Anglosaské kroniky. Uhtred se ocitá v situaci, která nemá snadné řešení. Je nucen rozhodovat se mezi svým rodem a loajalitou k Æthelflaed, mezi...
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Bernard Cornwell Válka vlků
Uhtred z Bebbanburgu sice získal zpět své rodové sídlo, ale obklopený ze všech stran starými i novými nepřáteli si svého vítězství dlouho neužil. V Mercii vypukla vzpoura odbojných pánů proti wessexskému králi Edwardovi...
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Bernard Cornwell Válka vlků
Jeho krev je saská. Jeho srdce je vikinské. Jeho bojištěm je Anglie. Uhtred z Bebbanburgu sice získal zpět své rodové sídlo, ale obklopený ze všech stran starými i novými nepřáteli si svého vítězství dlouho neužil.
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Bernard Cornwell War of the Wolf
Lord Uhtred of Bebbanburg knows that peace is far from reach. Though he has won the battle for his ancestral home, rebellion looms in Mercia and invading Norsemen appear at every turn...
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Bernard Cornwell War Of the Wolf
In the battle for power, two enemies will collide Lord Uhtred of Bebbanburg knows that peace is far from reach. Though he has won the battle for his ancestral home, rebellion looms in Mercia and invading Norsemen appear at every turn. With the cou
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Bernard Cornwell Warriors of the Storm
The new novel in Bernard Cornwell's number one bestselling series on the making of England and the fate of his great hero, Uhtred of Bebbanburg...
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Bernard Cornwell Warriors of the Storm
King Alfred’s son Edward and formidable daughter, Æthelflaed, rule Wessex, Mercia and East Anglia. But all around the restless Northmen, eyeing the rich lands and wealthy churches, are mounting raids...
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Bernard Cornwell Waterloo CZ
Osmnáctého června roku 1815 sestoupily armády Francie, Británie a Pruska do tichého mělkého údolí jižně od Bruselu. Malé městečko nedaleko místa, kde se spojenci rozhodli postavit francouzské armádě, se jmenuje Waterloo. Krvavá bitva, jíž dalo Waterloo jméno, znamenala konec napoleonských válek a stala se mezníkem v evropské historii. Napoleonova armáda zde utrpěla drtivou porážku od části vojsk koalice evropských…
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Bernard Cornwell Waterloo EN
On the 18th June, 1815 the armies of France, Britain and Prussia descended upon a quiet valley south of Brussels. In the previous three days the French army had beaten the British at Quatre-Bras and the Prussians at Ligny. The Allies were in retreat. The blood-soaked battle of Waterloo would become a landmark in European history, to be examined over and again, not least because until the evening of the 18th, the…
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Bernard Cornwell Waterloo
Ve své první knize literatury faktu spojuje autor vypravěčské umění romanopisce s pečlivým studiem historie a výsledkem je strhující popis všech dramatických událostí, jež souvisely s bitvou u Waterloo. Prostřednictvím citací...
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Bernard Cornwell Zrádce CZ
Druhá část navazující na román Rebel. Znovu se tu setkáváme s Nathanielem Starbuckem, oběma Faulconery, otcem a synem, drsným a statečným jižanským seržantem Thomasem Truslowem a jeho krásnou dcerou Sally, působící nyní jako hvězda nejluxusnějšího richmondského nevěstince. Na pozadí skutečných historických událostí jako bitva na Ball’s Bluffu a tažení seveřanského generála McClellana na hlavní město Konfederace se…