Ariana Franklin (3 knihy)
Ariana Franklin, Samantha Norman Statečná srdce CZ
Historický román z pera oblíbené spisovatelky Ariany Franklinové a její nadané dcery Samanthy Normanové je opravdu mistrovským dílem. Statečná srdce nabízejí tu správnou směsici dobrodružství a intrik, tajemství a zločinu. Osudy hlavních aktérek, dvou statečných mladých žen, jsou nerozlučně spjaty s Anglií 12. století a pustošivou občanskou válkou. Píše se rok 1141. Král Štěpán válčí o korunu se svou sestřenicí…
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Ariana Franklin The Death Maze
Twelfth-century anatomist, Adelia Aguilar must once again examine the dead as gruesome events are beginning to unfold...Henry II's favourite mistress, Rosamund Clifford, has been poisoned - and, rumour says, by his jealous wife, Eleanor of Aquitaine...
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Ariana Franklin, Samantha Norman Winter Siege EN
Gwil, a battle-hardened mercenary, is horrified to stumble across a little girl close to death. She has been attacked, just one more victim in a winter of atrocities. Clutching a sliver of parchment, she is terrified – but Gwil knows what he must do. He will bring her back to life. He will train her to fight. And together, they will hunt down the man who did this to her. But danger looms wherever they turn. As…