Angela Duckworth (5 kníh)
Angela Duckworth Grit EN
In this must-read for anyone seeking to succeed, pioneering psychologist Angela Duckworth takes us on an eye-opening journey to discover the true qualities that lead to outstanding achievement. Winningly personal, insightful and powerful, Grit is a book about what goes through your head when you fall down, and how that – not talent or luck – makes all the difference.
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Angela Duckworth Grit EN
Why do naturally talented people frequently fail to reach their potential while other far less gifted individuals go on to achieve amazing things? The secret to outstanding achievement is not talent, but a passionate persistence. In other words, grit. MacArthur Genius Award-winning psychologist Angela Duckworth shares fascinating new revelations about who succeeds in life and why. Based on her cutting-edge research,…
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Angela Duckworth Grit
Angela Duckworth’s seminal work on why passion and perseverance matter more than anything. Why do naturally talented people frequently fail to reach their potential while other far less gifted individuals go on to achieve amazing things? ...
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Angela Duckworth Houževnatost CZ
Chcete být úspěšní, ale zároveň chápete, že na vrchol žádné zkratky nevedou? Pak právě v odbornou veřejností i čtenáři oceňované Houževnatosti najdete ideálního průvodce, jak díky kombinaci vytrvalosti a vášně dosáhnout svého cíle. Když obdivujeme špičkové sportovce, umělce, vědce, podnikatele či šéfkuchaře, často si říkáme: „Ten má ale talent!“ Průkopnická psycholožka Angela Duckworthová zastává jiný názor:…